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Labour and Advanced Education

Elevators and Lifts Inspection Services:  Contractor Registration

Who Needs This Registration?
Any contractor who installs any kind of elevating device in Nova Scotia.

Note: This includes passenger and freight elevators, escalators, dumb-waiters, man-lifts, lifts for the physically disabled, rope tows, pony lifts, chair ski lifts, T-bar lifts, gondola lifts, and reversible ropeways (except those units listed in Section 3 of Elevators and Lifts Act) and Section 5 of the Elevators and Lifts General Regulations.
Issuing Department / Agency:
Labour and Advanced Education
Where can you get this Certificate and / or further information?
Technical Safety Division
Elevators and Lifts Inspection Services
Labour and Advanced Education

Fax: 902-428-8770

Office Location:
103 Garland Ave., 3rd floor
Burnside Industrial Park
Dartmouth, NS B3B 0K5
Application Forms & Process:
An application form can be obtained from the Manager, Elevators and Lifts Inspection Services, Technical Safety Division, Labour and Advanced Education.

When completed, it is submitted to the Department, for approval by the Manager, Elevators and Lifts Inspection Services.

If all requirements are met and the application is approved, the registration will be sent to the applicant by mail.

Waiting Period:
Provided that all the items that must accompany the application have been received
Expiry & Renewal:
This registration is valid until December 31 of the calendar year in which it is issued.   It can be renewed.  It is the responsibility of the Registration holder to contact the Department before it expires; NO NOTICE of renewal will be sent out by the Department.
Price: (No tax is charged)
a. For Initial Registration of a Contractor: $265.40
b. For Annual Registration of a Contractor: $132.70
Related Requirements:
Additional Information:
  1. The types of elevators and lifts which do not require this licence are listed in Section 3 of the Nova Scotia Elevators and Lifts Act.

  2. Please refer to the clauses, definitions and limitations set out by the Act and Regulations, or contact Labour and Advanced Education .
Legislative Authority:
Elevators and Lifts Act and Regulations, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 2002, Chapter 4, Section 23.

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