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Service Nova Scotia - Registry of Motor Vehicles

Special Move Permit: Overweight (Single-Trip, Annual or Contractor)

Who Needs This Permit?

Anyone who wants to move a vehicle on a public road in Nova Scotia which is heavier than the legal weight permitted.  (The legal weight limit varies depending upon such factors as the number of axles the vehicle has, etc.).

For more information, see Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles Regulations -

Issuing Department / Agency:
Business and Consumer Registration
Service Nova Scotia

Where can you get this Permit and/or further information?
online: New Self-Serve Online Permit Service -

The Service Nova Scotia Call Centre at:  1-800-898-7668 (toll-free)
or 902-424-5851
You will be transferred to Business and Consumer Registration.
HOURS: The office is open 8:30 to 4:30, Atlantic Time, from Monday to Friday and closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

In-person: Business and Consumer Registration
Service Nova Scotia
9th Floor (North), Maritime Centre
1505 Barrington St.
Halifax, NS
Write: Applications for these Permits are normally received in-person or by fax, but you can apply in writing to:
Business and Consumer Registration
Service Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 1529
Halifax, NS B3J 2Y4
Fax: 902-424-4633 Attention:  Special Move Permits
Application Forms & Process:

When applying for this Permit, you must provide us with the following information:

  1. Name of the company or individual and contact information (for initial setup);
  2. Fax and Phone Number;
  3. Master Number (Nova Scotia Carrier Number) for initial setup, "National Safety Code" number for out of province registered vehicles and "DOT" number for out of country registered vehicles;
  4. Plate number of the vehicle and configuration;
  5. Trailer plate number;
  6. Type of load:  Overweight:  weight of load and type of vehicle;
  7. Registered weight;
  8. Axle spreads (in groups) and weights;
  9. Start and end points of trip;
  10. Commodity (what is being transported);
  11. Indicate if an annual Special Move Permit is in effect
  12. Date(s) the permit will be needed; and
  13. Visa, MasterCard or American Express number, expiry date and name of cardholder, as it appears on the card.

Receiving the Permit:

If approved, the permit is sent by fax to the applicant, unless a specific request is made to have the permit mailed.

Waiting Period:

SMP Online Self-Serve permits can be applied for and printed by the carrier within minutes.

Applications received by phone, fax, and mail are normally processed within 1 business day of being received. Some applications may take longer, depending on their complexity.  For instance, a special circumstance permit (for weights over 69,800 kg) requires Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal approvals, and is normally processed within 7 business days.

NOTE: The office is open 8:30 to 4:30, Atlantic Time, from Monday to Friday and closed on Saturdays and Sundays and holidays.

Expiry & Renewal:
If it is a single trip, one-way or return permit, it is valid from point A to point B and expires at the end of the trip.

If it is an Annual permit, the renewal time is 1 year from the date it is first issued. The renewal process is started by the permit holder, not the Department.

If it is a Contractor permit, it is valid only for the time period and routes specified on it. It can be renewed; the renewal process is started by the permit holder, not by the Department.

Price & Payment: (No tax is charged)
Under 50,000 kg:
Under 50,000 kg:
Single: $33.10
Annual / Contractor: $265.30 - For highway construction only.

Over 50,000 kg - 61,200 kg:
Single: $66.30
Annual / Contractor: $796.10

Over 61,200 kg - 69,800 kg:
Single: $99.60
Annual / Contractor: $1,326.95

Over 69,800 kg:
Single: $265.30
Annual / Contractor:  Not Available

Methods of Payment:

Payment In-Person: Cash, Cheque, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express
Payment by Mail: Cheque, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express
Payment by Telephone or Fax: Visa, MasterCard or American Express

Related Requirements:


Additional Information:

Must be an indivisible load.

Please refer to the document Over-Weight Move Conditions.

Legislative Authority:

Motor Vehicle Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, Chapter 293, Section 191.

Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles Regulations, made under Section 191 of the Motor Vehicle Act.

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