The library sells copies of the following historical maps. Click here for a brief description of the historical land information that is available from the department. Ordering information.
A.F. Church Maps:
In 1864, Ambrose F. Church was commissioned by the Nova Scotia legislature to create a series of maps, one for each of Nova Scotia's 18 counties. Each shows the locations of towns and villages, basic topographic features and the names of residents. In many cases, the occupation of prominent townsfolk (clergy, blacksmith, merchant) is also included. Mr. Church completed the series in 1888. The cost for reproductions is $19.91 per county. Please specify county name(s). To order maps.
Crown Land Index Maps:
A series of 140 maps showing the location of crown land grants in Nova Scotia, the majority of which were issued between 1750 and 1850. You may view or download the maps here
Photocopies of these maps are available from the Library. The cost is $7.48 per sheet. To order maps