Frequently Asked Questions

Licensing Services questions

What is the purpose of licensing?

Licensing protects the health, safety, and well-being of those receiving out-of-home care by ensuring compliance with the standards set out in the legislation and regulations for these types of facilities:

What is the role of the Licensee?

The Licensee is responsible for ensuring that the facility complies with the applicable legislation and requirements for their facility. They may delegate this responsibility to the Facility Director, who would be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the facility.

How often are facilities inspected?

Facilities are inspected at least twice a year. Facilities that are non-compliant with licensing requirements in some area(s) receive more frequent inspections.

How is it determined that a facility complies with licensing requirements?

Licensing Services makes objective assessments based on first-hand observations, reviews of written records, files and other documentation; and interviews with operators, their employees, and clients.

How are the licensing requirements determined?

The licensing requirements applied to a facility are based on the acts, regulations, and standards applicable to the type of facility.

Protection for Persons in Care questions

What is the purpose of Protection for Persons in Care Act (PPCA)?

To provide an extra safeguard from abuse for residents residing in homes for special care under the Homes for Special Care Act. The Protection for Persons in Care unit is responsible for inquiring into and investigating allegations of abuse and to issue directives to the administrators of homes for special care to protect residents from further abuse.

What is the role of the Administrator and Service Provider of a home for special care?

Under the PPCA, the Administrator and Service Provider have a duty to promptly report all allegations or instances of abuse.

What happens after a potential incident of abuse has been reported?

A PPC Investigator conducts an inquiry to determine if there are reasonable grounds that abuse occurred. If the allegation meets the criteria for an investigation under the PPCA, a PPC Investigator will conduct an investigation to determine if the allegation was founded or unfounded. After the investigation has been concluded, directives to ensure the safety of residents may be issued to the Administrator or Service Provider of the home for special care.

Are all referrals investigated?

No, a decision to not investigate a referral can be made based on the following: the facility has provided reasonable care and support to address the incident; the referral is not within the scope of the PPCA; or the allegation has been referred to the Police or a regulatory body.

Contact information

For further information or to register a concern, contact us by phone: 1-877-223-9555 or email:
To report a potential incident of abuse of a person in a home for special care, call 1-800-225-7225.