Habitat Conservation Fund - contributions from hunters and trappers

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The Habitat Conservation Fund was established under the Nova Scotia Wildlife Act to help protect and enhance wildlife habitats. The fund is supported through the Wildlife Habitat Stamp purchased by hunters and trappers. People can also make monetary gifts, donations and bequests to the fund. Sometimes land is acquired and sold so that the revenue can support the fund.

The fund has 4 objectives:

  • enhancement of wildlife and wildlife habitats
  • land acquisition
  • research on wildlife habitats
  • education on wildlife habitats

Each objective has a set of priority activities. Funding is provided for projects on a cost-shared basis up to a maximum of 75% of total project costs. The fund’s board of directors reserves the right to not fund any projects if no suitable proposals are received.

Projects: Conservation Fund Approved Projects (PDF)

How to apply

Applications can be submitted online at Nova Scotia Habitat Conservation Fund- Simple Forms service - Government of Nova Scotia. To apply for funding from the Habitat Conservation Fund, you need to:

Submit your completed application form, budget and activity table, letters of support and conflict of interest declaration (if required) online by 15 October.


Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Wildlife Division 136 Exhibition Street Kentville, Nova Scotia B4N 4E5

Phone: 902-679-6091 Fax: 902-679-6176