Province Takes On Bullying, Cyberbullying With New Action Plan

Published by the Department of Education

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A new provincial action plan takes on bullying and cyberbullying to reduce incidents and help young people and families who feel the heartbreaking effects.


Parents care deeply about their children and want them to be happy, healthy, safe and successful. Bullying can keep that from happening. Education Minister Ramona Jennex

This plan takes on bullying and cyberbullying in many ways to get at the root causes of the behaviour and reduce its effects so our young people may one day see a world where bullying is rare. Education Minister Ramona Jennex

Addressing the causes of bullying and cyberbullying requires a community response. The province's action plan takes a collaborative approach to provide supports for young people and their families as they navigate this ever-changing world. Kathleen Richard, anti-bullying co-ordinator, Department of Education

Bullying is a heartbreaking and complex problem with no easy answers. It is a societal issue and everyone can help to prevent it by speaking up. That is how we will make real change. Education Minister Ramona Jennex

I believe that, at Dartmouth High School, we strive to include everyone despite gender, race, sexuality and religion. We pride ourselves on our diversity of clubs that work toward equality, respect and a progressive future. These groups include Eco Club, Human Rights Club, Club 5, Multicultural Club and Gay Straight Alliance among others. Rosa Poirier-McKiggan, a Grade 12 student at Dartmouth High School

By encouraging culturally relevant student engagement, inside and outside of the classroom, we are building students' self-confidence and self-esteem through education and culturally diverse experiences. Eartha Monard, principal at Dartmouth High School

Quick Facts

  • The multiyear plan announced Feb. 27, national Anti-Bullying Day, outlines more than 40 actions to take on bullying and cyberbullying.
  • The actions involve families, schools, teachers, communities, police, health-care providers and several government departments.
  • Key actions include:
    • creating an information hub for young people, teacher, parents and community members so help and resources are easy to find and access
    • providing training for school staff to learn how to recognize mental health issues. Right now, all school support staff, such as bus drivers, are being trained to recognize and report bullying
    • organizing an annual conference on bullying and cyberbullying
    • providing grants to schools for professional development of curriculum resources for social and emotional learning that addresses bullying
    • requiring all school boards to report annually incidents of severely disruptive behaviour, including bullying and cyberbullying, to examine causes
    • host a symposium for police leaders in March
    • revising the Nova Scotia School Code of Conduct to identify bullying and cyberbullying behaviours
    • distributing materials on responsible cellphone use to customers entering a new contract
  • The plan, announced at Dartmouth High School, supports a community-wide response to bullying and anti-bullying.
  • The plan has two components, Speak Up: An Action Plan to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying Behaviour and Speak Up: Actions to Address Bullying and Cyberbullying.

Learn More

Media Contacts

Naomi Shelton
Department of Education
Cell: 902-229-7838


Education Minister Ramona Jennex (second from right) and Kathleen Richard, anti-bullying co-ordinator, Department of Education, chat with Dartmouth High School Grade 12 students Laura Rigg and Rosa Poirier-McKiggan.
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Education Minister Ramona Jennex (second from right), Kathleen Richard, anti-bullying co-ordinator, Department of Education and Dartmouth High School Grade 12 student Laura Rigg listen to Grade 12 student Rosa Poirier-McKiggan.
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Education Minister Ramona Jennex (middle) shares a laugh with Dartmouth High School principal Eartha Monard and Kathleen Richard, anti-bullying co-ordinator, Department of Education.
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Education Minister Ramona Jennex chats with Dartmouth High School Grade 12 students Laura Rigg and Rosa Poirier-McKiggan.
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Education Minister Ramona Jennex chats with Dartmouth High School Grade 12 students Laura Rigg and Rosa Poirier-McKiggan.
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Education Minister Ramona Jennex talks about the new provincial action plan that takes on bullying and cyberbullying.
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Kathleen Richard, anti-bullying co-ordinator, Department of Education, talks about the plan to reduce incidents and help young people and families who feel the heartbreaking effects.
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Courtney Downey performs a song during the announcement.
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Minister Jennex stands up to Bullying
Dartmouth High School Principal Eartha Monard
Kathleen Richard, Anti-bullying Co-ordinator speaks at announcement
Courtney Downey talks about bullying and performs her song
Parent Robyne Gorman


Education Minister Ramona Jennex says bullying is an extremely complex problem and there are no simple answers to address it.
She says the plan is about addressing bullying and cyberbullying in many ways to get at the root cause.
Kathleen Richard, anti-bullying co-ordinator, Department of Education, says students are the experts on bullying and she believes they know how to address it.
Dartmouth High student Courtney Downey wrote a song called A Long Journey about bullying.