Resources for Non-Profit Organizations and Volunteers
Helpful information for non-profit organizations is available from Imagine Canada’s Sector Source at The Sector Source covers topics such as board governance, fundraising, staff management and tax information. Tips and tools for volunteer management are also available from Volunteer Canada.
More Resources is a new online provincial database which links volunteers to opportunities in their communities. being hosted by Kings Volunteer Resource Centre and partnered with Volunteer Canada and the NS Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage.
Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia
Impact (nonprofit and voluntary) organizations are powering social good and creating positive change, playing a critical role in ensuring people have support systems, opportunities to be connected to community, and can live healthy, fulfilling lives. The Community Impact Sector is an important contributor to employment and economic development, reducing our environmental footprint, fostering inclusion and social belonging, and addressing inequities. Researching and collecting data to illustrate the sector's impact and advocate for greater sector support is an important part of the work at IONS.
HR Toolkit
Free and easy to access information, downloadable templates, practical guides, links to relevant resources and more to help you find, keep and develop your valued employees.
Imagine Canada
Imagine Canada works to bolster the Canadian charitable sector's role in building, enriching and defining our nation.