Child Care Stabilization Grant

This loan program is closed to new applicants.

The purpose of the Nova Scotia Stabilization Grant program is to provide funding to full-day child care programs to improve the quality of service delivery through enhacing wages, benefits and training of child care staff.


Each licensed full-day child care facility in Nova Scotia is eligible to apply for the Stabilization Grant, subject to meeting the Terms and Conditions of the grant.

Next steps

This loan program is closed to new applicants.

There are 4 components to the initiaitve :

  1. Application process
  2. Allocation of funding to licensed facilities
  3. Allocation of funding to staff by the child care facility operators
  4. Accountability and evaluation

A Nova Scotia Child Care Stabilization Grant application is forwarded to eligible facilities once in a government fiscal year. Please contact your regional Early Childhood Development Officer for more information.

All Nova Scotia full day child care facilities which have a valid license are eligible to apply for this funding. A Nova Scotia Child Care Stabilization Grant Application will be forwarded to these facilities once each government fiscal year. The annual grant will be based on the reported information respecting operating days, number and training levels of staff, licensed capacity, and enrollment.

Any new full day facility will be eligible for funding upon the date the license is effective.

Accountability/utilization documents for the Stabilization Grant will be sent annually to all child care facilities that received this funding. The Nova Scotia Child Care Stabilization Grant Utilization Statement will collect information on wages and benefits paid. Through this process child care facilities will demonstrate how the stabilization dollars were distributed to staff in the prior year.