Report: Vocational and Day Program Services for Adults with Disabilities

From the executive summary of Vocational and Day Program Services for Adults with Disabilities (PDF):

The Department of Community Services, Disability Support Program Program initiated a review of Adult Service Centres and residential day program services in June of 2005. It was recognized that significant change in the residential sector in 1980's and 1990's had placed strain on the Adult Service Centres to provide additional vocational and day program services. Adult Service Centres struggled to meet participants’ needs both in volume of service and in the range of programs offered within existing funding for infrastructure and operating costs...

The review indicated that the current continuum of vocational and day program services provide innovative, engaging and appropriate programs that enhance the quality of life and employability of adults with disabilities. It also showed that service providers are committed to continuous program development and the pursuit of excellence. The review determined, however, that gaps in service are occurring across the continuum due to staff/participant ratios, building capacity and accessibility, as well as program availability. Gaps are also present due to geography and/or transportation challenges.

Read the full report of Vocational and Day Program Services for Adults with Disabilities (PDF)