Summary of Ministerial Expenses

Ministerial Summaries of Expenses are posted on this site by fiscal year. On the last working day of each month, the previous month's expenses are added to the summaries.

There may be more than one link under a Minister’s name.  Separate summaries are posted for each department and office that a Minister is responsible for.

Contact: Executive Council Office at


April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023

Honourable Tim Houston

Honourable Allan MacMaster

Honourable Pat Dunn

Honourable John Lohr

Honourable Karla MacFarlane

Honourable Barbara Adams

Honourable Timothy Halman

Honourable Kim Masland

Honourable Brad Johns

Honourable Tory Rushton

Honourable Steve Craig

Honourable Colton LeBlanc

Honourable Brian Comer

Honourable Michelle Thompson

Honourable Jill Balser

Honourable Greg Morrow

Honourable Susan Corkum-Greek

Honourable Becky Druhan

Honourable Brian Wong