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September 14, 2023US RETAIL SALES, AUGUST 2023 Month over month (August 2023 vs July 20-23, seasonally adjusted)
The US Census Bureau announced today that the advance estimates of U.S retail and food service sales increased 0.6% ($3.9 billions) to $$697.6 billion. Excluding food services and drinking places, retail trade sales increased 0.6% ($3.7 billions). Food service and drinking place month-over-month receipts increased 0.3% ($0.2 billions).
Year-over-year (August 2023 vs August 2022, seasonally adjusted)
The United States Retail Trade and Food Services increased 2.5% ($16.8 billions). Retail trade increased 1.6% ($9.7 billions) and food services and drinking places sales increased 8.5% ($7.1 billions).
Year to date January-August 2023, seasonally adjusted)
During the first eight months of 2023, the United States Retail trade and food Services increased 3.1% ($164.4 billions) to $$5,517.7 billion. Retail trade increased 1.8% ($87.2 billions) and food services and drinking places sales increased 12.2% ($77.3 billions).
In percentage terms, sales were up in 9 of 13 retail categories, the largest decline (in percentage terms) was seen in gas stations while the fastest gain was in health and personal care stores and non-store retailers.
Source: US Census Bureau. retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis using a FRED API.
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