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October 19, 2023EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE, AUGUST 2023 Monthly (August 2023 vs July 2023, seasonally adjusted regular beneficiaries)
In August 2023, there were 21,650 Nova Scotians in receipt of regular employment insurance benefits (seasonally adjusted). Nova Scotia's seasonally adjusted regular employment insurance usage increased by 110 (+0.5%) from July to August 2023.
There were 448,190 Canadians that received regular employment insurance benefits in August 2023 (seasonally adjusted), an increase of 9,100 (+2.1%) from July 2023.
When compared to July 2023, seven provinces reported increases in regular beneficiaries with British Columbia posting the largest gain. The largest decline in percentage terms was reported in Quebec.
The number of employment insurance beneficiaries amounted to 4.1% of the labour force in Nova Scotia in August 2023. Nationally, the share of beneficiaries was 2.1% of the labour force.
Year-to-date (January-August 2023 vs January-August 2022, seasonally adjusted regular beneficiaries)
Comparing the first eight months of 2023 to the same period in 2022, Nova Scotia's employment insurance usage was down by 26.5%. National employment insurance usage was down by 23.3% with declines in all provinces. The largest decline in employment insurance usage was reported in New Brunswick and the smallest in British Columbia.
Year-over-year (August 2023 vs August 2022, seasonally adjusted regular beneficiaries)
Use of employment insurance (as a share of the labour force) was lower for youth aged 15-24 and higher for workers aged 55 and older. Across all age cohorts, male use of employment insurance was higher as a share of the labour force than female use of employment insurance.
Use of employment insurance was down for all age cohorts from August 2022 to August 2023. The largest declines were among youth, particularly among females.
Comparing unadjusted regular beneficiaries for August 2023 against August 2022, use of employment insurance was down for all counties in Nova Scotia.
In percentage terms, the largest declines in employment insurance use from August 2022 to August 2023 were reported in Cholchester, Pictou and Richmond counties. Halifax reported the smallest decline.
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0011-01 Employment insurance beneficiaries (regular benefits) by province and territory, monthly, seasonally adjusted; Table 14-10-0323-01 Employment insurance beneficiaries by census division, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality; Table 14-10-0287-01 Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months
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