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Thomas StorringDirector – Economics and Statistics
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May 01, 2020


In the period 2010 to 2019, Nova Scotia exported between $3.9 billion and $5.9 billion worth of goods to the global market. In this period, the number of exporting establishments ranged from 933 (2010) to a low of 921 (2013) to a high of 1037 (2019), and the average value of exports per exporting establishment ranged from $4.3 million (2010) to a low of $4.2 billion (2012) to a high of $5.6 billion (2019).

In 2019, the average value of exports per exporting establishment was $5.6 million. The value of exports increased 8.6% to $5.9 billion and the number of exporters increased 2.0% to 1,037.


Amoung the trade sectors in Nova Scotia, Manufacturing is the most important with a 63.5% share ($3.7 billion ) of the export market. Together with Wholesale industries (18.5% share, $1.1 billion) they represent 82% of Nova Scotia's international exports.

In 2019, Plastics and Rubber Industries with a 45.0% share of Manufacturing exports increased 4% to $1.7 billion over 2018. Value of exports per exporter was $76.1 million.

Food manufacturing (26.8% share) increased 17% to 1.0 billion over 2018. Value of exports per exporter was $13.5 million.

Paper manufacturing (10.8% share) declined 17% to $403 million over 2018. Value of exports per exporter was $57.6 million.


Canada and the Provinces

In Canada 2019, the average value of exports per exporting establishment was $10.6 million. Among the provinces, Newfoundland and Labrador recorded the highest average export value per exporting establishment at $27.1 million. Nova Scotia recorded the lowest average export value per exporting establishment at $5.6 million.

In Canada 2019, the number of exporting establishment increased by 1,793 to 50,542 establishments. Ontario has the largest number of exporting establishments at 21,459. In Nova Scotia the number of exporting establishment increased by 20 to 1,037 establishments.




 Definition: "An enterprise is defined as the statistical unit that directs and controls the allocation of resources relating to its domestic operations, and for which consolidated financial statements are maintained. An establishment is defined as the statistical unit where the accounting data required to measure production is available. The two measures generate a different number of exporting units as well as a different industry allocation of these units." and, "The number of exporting enterprises corresponds to the number of exporting enterprises identified in the Business Register by the TEC – Goods program." See Note to Readers.

Statistics Canada: CANSIM table 12-10-0098-01