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May 11, 2020CANADA INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT PRICES, APRIL 2020 (FLASH) To provide Canadians with timely information about the uncertain impacts of COVID-19, Statistics Canada is providing a preliminary ('flash') estimate of industrial product prices. This will provide an early assessment of the impacts from COVID-19. This information is preliminary and will be revised at the end of May. These data refer to prices received by all Canadian producers across the country.
Overall Canadian industrial product prices declined 1.2 per cent from March to April and are down 2.4 per cent since Feb-20. Declining industrial products are largely attributable to reductions in the prices of energy and petroleum products, which are down 13.6 per cent from March to April and 27.9 per cent from February to April. Outside of energy and petroleum products, industrial product prices are up 0.4 per cent from March to April and 1.4 per cent from February to April.

Prices for most non-energy industrial products were up from March to April, with the exceptions of
- lumber/wood products
- plastic/rubber products
- chemicals/chemical products
- beverages (excluding juices)

Since February, most non-energy industrial product prices are up with the exceptions of chemicals/chemical products and primary non-ferrous metal products. The fastest price growth was observed for meat/fish/dairy products and pulp/paper.

Source: Industrial Product Price Index: Flash estimates, April 2020