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November 25, 2021JOB VACANCIES, SEPTEMBER 2021 Statistics Canada released today monthly results from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) for September 2021.
Nova Scotia had 21,530 job vacancies in September 2021 with a vacancy rate of 4.9%. Canadian employers were actively recruiting for 1,014,560 positions (not seasonally adjusted) in September with a vacancy rate of 6.0%. This was the highest vacancy rate for Canada and Nova Scotia since the data series began in October 2020.
The highest vacancy rates were reported in British Columbia (7.4%) and Quebec (7.3%). The lowest vacancy rates were reported in Newfoundland and Labrador (4.0%) and Manitoba (4.6%).
The number of vacancies increased 20.5% from the previous month in Nova Scotia. Vacancies were up in all provinces with New Brunswick reporting the lagest gain (+35.6%) and Alberta the lowest (+0.4%). Job vacancy data is not adjusted for seasonal patterns.
Nationally, accommodation and food services sector had the highest number of job vacancies at 196,050, with a job vacancy rate of 14.4% (not seasonally adjusted). The job vacancy rate in accommodation and food services was significantly higher than any other industry. Other Services (7.2%), construction (7.1%), and administrative and support, waste management and remediation services (6.6%) had the next highest vacancy rates. The job vacancy rate for construction sector was also at a record high since the data become available in October 2020.
The lowest vacancy rate was for public administration (2.2%). The vacancy rate for utilities sector was not available in September.
Notes: The job vacancy rate is a key indicator of labour market conditions. The job vacancy rate is the percentage of job positions (both filled and vacant) that are vacant. A higher job vacancy rate indicates a tighter labour market where it is more difficult for employers to find suitable candidates for the positions offered. A lower job vacancy rate signals labour market slack and potentially more job seekers competing for each vacant position.
Information on monthly job vacancies will continue in future Statistics Canada releases, and a more detailed analysis will be released with quarterly estimates from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey.
Sources: Statistics Canada, Table 14-10-0371-01 Job vacancies, payroll employees, and job vacancy rate by provinces and territories, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality; Table 14-10-0372-01 Job vacancies, payroll employees, and job vacancy rate by industry sector, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality