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February 20, 2025EMPLOYMENT INSURANCE, DECEMBER AND ANNUAL 2024 Monthly (December 2024 vs November 2024, seasonally adjusted regular beneficiaries)

In December 2024, there were 21,920 Nova Scotians in receipt of regular employment insurance benefits (seasonally adjusted). Nova Scotia's seasonally adjusted regular employment insurance usage decreased by 320 (-1.4%) from November to December.
There were 480,090 Canadians that received regular employment insurance benefits in December 2024 (seasonally adjusted), a decrease of 1,920 (-0.4%) from November 2024.

When compared to November 2024, five provinces reported lower employment insurance usage. New Brunswick and Québec reported the largest declines while Alberta reported the largest monthly rise in employment insurance usage.

The number of employment insurance beneficiaries amounted to 3.9% of the labour force in Nova Scotia in December 2024. Nationally, the share of beneficiaries was 2.1% of the labour force. Newfoundland and Labrador had the largest share of beneficiaries of the labour force, while British Columbia had the lowest.

Year-over-year (December 2024 vs December 2023)
Compared to December 2023, Nova Scotia's employment insurance usage declined 0.5% (-110). National employment insurance usage increased 2.6% compared to December 2023. Six provinces reported declines in employment insurance, with the fastest decline in British Columbia. The fastest rise in employment insurance usage was in Ontario.

Use of employment insurance (as a share of the labour force) was lower for workers under age 55. Employment insurance use was higher for workers aged 55 and older. Across all age cohorts, male use of employment insurance was higher as a share of the labour force than female use of employment insurance.

Use of employment insurance was down for both males and females aged 15 to 24 and 25 to 54. Among those aged 55 and over, both males and females had higher usage of employment insurance compared to December 2023.

Comparing unadjusted regular beneficiaries for December 2024 against December 2023, use of employment insurance increased for all counties except Guysborough, Antigonish, Inverness, Richmond and Cape Breton. Victoria country reported no change compared to December 2023. Annapolis and Kings counties reported the fastest rise.

By occupation, employment insurance beneficiaries were more likely to be in technical trades/transportation, manufacturing/utilities, general trades and helpers/labourers/other transport operators.

Most occupations reported increases in employment insurance usage compared to December 2023, with the fastest rise in art/culture/recreation and sport as well as unclassified occupations. The fastest decline in employment insurance usage was in sales/service support, health, natural resources and agriculture.

Annual (2024 vs 2023)
Nova Scotia's employment insurance usage was up by 1.4% in 2024 compared to 2023. National employment insurance usage was up by 11.0% with gains in all provinces except New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador. The largest increase in employment insurance usage was in Ontario.

Compared to 2023, employment insurance usage was up the most for males aged 25 and over. Employment insurance usage among males aged 15 to 24 was unchanged. Female employment insurance usage was virtually unchanged in 2024 due to higher usage among females aged 55 and over offsetting lower usage among females aged 15 to 54.

In 2024, employment insurance usage increased the most (in percentage terms) in Halifax, Colchester, Queens and Cumberland counties compared to 2023. The largest declines in employment insurance usage were in Shelburne, Digby and Richmond counties.

By occupation, the highest number of employment insurance beneficiaries were technical trades/transportation officers and occupations in manufacturing/utilities.

In 2024, employment insurance usage grew fastest for professional occupations in natural and applied science as well as among senior management and legislative occupations. The largest annual percentage decline in employment insurance use was among unclassified occupations as well as natural resources workers, agriculture workers and manufacturing/utilities occupations.

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0011-01 Employment insurance beneficiaries (regular benefits) by province and territory, monthly, seasonally adjusted; Table 14-10-0323-01 Employment insurance beneficiaries by census division, monthly, unadjusted for seasonality; Table 14-10-0456-01 Employment insurance beneficiaries (regular benefits) by province, territory and occupation, monthly, seasonally adjusted; Table 14-10-0287-01 Labour force characteristics, monthly, seasonally adjusted and trend-cycle, last 5 months