The province has granted an official apology and free pardon to the late Viola Desmond. Mrs. Desmond, of Halifax, was an African Canadian wrongfully jailed and fined in 1946 for sitting in the white peoples' section of a New Glasgow movie theatre. Mrs. Desmond passed away in 1965.
“This closes an erroneous chapter in the history of this province and allows a new one to begin. I am confident that the case of Mrs. Viola Desmond will be the focus of scholarly and human rights research for years to come. It is a historic moment for Nova Scotia and for Canada, and I am proud to be a part of it.
Lt.-Gov. Mayann Francis
“This is a historic day for the province of Nova Scotia and a chance for us to finally right the wrong done to Mrs. Desmond and her family. This is also an opportunity for us to acknowledge the incredibly brave actions of a woman who took a stand against racism and segregation.
Premier Darrell Dexter
“What happened to my sister is part of our history, and needs to remain intact. We must learn from our history so we do not repeat it. If my parents were here today, it would warm their hearts to see Viola recognized as a true Canadian hero.
Wanda Robson, sister of Mrs. Desmond
On behalf of the Nova Scotia government, I sincerely apologize to Mrs. Viola Desmond's family and to all African Nova Scotians for the racial discrimination she was subjected to by the justice system in November 1946.
The arrest, detainment and conviction of Viola Desmond is an example in our history where the law was used to perpetuate racism and racial segregation -- this is contrary to the values of Canadian society.
We recognize today that the act for which Viola Desmond was arrested, was an act of courage, not an offence.
The government of Nova Scotia recognizes that the treatment of Viola Desmond was an injustice. This injustice has impacted not just Mrs. Desmond during her life and her family but other African Nova Scotians and all Nova Scotians who found, and continue to find, this event in Nova Scotia’s history offensive and intolerable.
On behalf of the province of Nova Scotia, I am sorry.
The actions of the past help future generations understand the damage done by racism.
As we move forward, I want to reaffirm this province's commitment to equality for all Nova Scotians. Mrs. Desmond should be remembered as a leader of her time.
Au nom du gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse, je présente mes plus sincères excuses à la famille de Madame Viola Desmond et à toutes les personnes afro-néo-écossaises pour la discrimination raciale dont le système judiciaire a fait preuve à son égard en novembre 1946.
L'arrestation, la détention et la condamnation de Viola Desmond est un exemple dans notre histoire où la loi a été utilisée pour perpétuer le racisme et la ségrégation raciale, ce qui va à l'encontre des valeurs de la société canadienne.
Nous reconnaissons aujourd'hui que l'acte pour lequel Viola Desmond a été condamnée était un acte de courage, et non une infraction.
Le gouvernement de la Nouvelle-Écosse reconnaît que Viola Desmond a été traitée de façon injuste. Cette injustice a eu des répercussions non seulement sur la vie de Madame Desmond et de sa famille, mais également sur tous les Afro-Néo-Écossais et les autres Néo-Écossais qui considéraient et qui considèrent toujours que cet événement de l'histoire de la Nouvelle-Écosse est absolument insultant et intolérable.
Au nom de la Province de la Nouvelle-Écosse, je vous présente mes excuses.
Les actions du passé aident les générations futures à comprendre les dommages causés par le racisme. Je souhaite réaffirmer l'engagement de cette province envers l'égalité et l'équité pour tous les Néo-Écossais. Madame Desmond doit être considérée comme une chef de file de son époque.