Colon Cancer Prevention Program Available Provincewide

Published by Cancer Care Nova Scotia

Friday, March 25, 2011

A program that prevents colon cancer and finds it early when treatment is most effective is now available provincewide with the launch of the program in Capital Health. Nova Scotians between the ages of 50 and 74 will now have access to a home screening kit for the prevention and early detection of colon cancer.


This program is an important part of the province's commitment to providing better care sooner. This is an exciting day as Nova Scotians in every region will now have access to the screening tools that play a key role in preventing, detecting and treating colon cancer early.MLA Leonard Preyra, on behalf of Health and Wellness Minister Maureen MacDonald.

It was easy to do. It took all of 10 minutes and that 10 minutes probably saved my life. The home screening test revealed blood in my stool and the need for a follow-up colonoscopy. The colonoscopy found and removed two polyps, which contained an aggressive form of cancer. But, it was found so early, I didn't need any further treatment.Ed Branton of Martin's River, Lunenburg Co.

My advice to people; when you receive your kit in the mail, take 10 minutes and do the test, even if you are feeling fine. It could save your life.Ed Branton of Martin's River, Lunenburg Co.

Health is a shared responsibility. Government, health planners and providers have a responsibility to create programs and services to build healthy communities, and people who live and work in those communities have to do their part.Chris Power, CEO of Capital Health

This program provides people with easy access to tools they need. I urge people to do the test. Help reduce the incidence of colon cancer and make our communities and our province healthier.Chris Power, CEO of Capital Health

Colon cancer can be prevented if people are screened regularly before there are any signs of disease. The program saves lives and improves the outcome of those diagnosed with colon cancer at an early stage when treatment is most effective.Dr. Bernard Badley, medical director, Colon Cancer Prevention Program

Although still in its early stages, the program already has made a difference, identifying 21 people with cancer and 229 Nova Scotians with pre-cancerous growths. Because it will save health dollars, this program is win-win for government and for Nova Scotia taxpayers.Dr. Bernard Badley, medical director, Colon Cancer Prevention Program

Quick Facts

  • The program began two years ago.
  • About 300 new cases of colon cancer are expected to be diagnosed in Capital Health this year and about 800 people will be diagnosed provincewide. Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in Nova Scotia.
  • Ed Branton of Martin's River, Lunenburg Co., was among the first to receive an invitation to participate in the program. Initially, he decided not to take part because he felt good and had no symptoms. But he changed his mind and did the test.
  • People who live in the area served by Capital Health will begin receiving information on the program next week, followed by a home screening kit with directions in English and French. The home screening test is easy to use. It tests for small amounts of blood in the stool, which may be a sign of growths in the colon.
  • More often than not, there are no warning signs of colon cancer in the early stages when it is most treatable and 80 per cent of people who get the disease have no family history of it.
  • The greatest risk factor for colon cancer is age. Nova Scotians, between the ages of 50 and 74, are encouraged to be tested regularly.
  • Cancer Care Nova Scotia is a provincial program of the Department of Health and Wellness, which facilitates quality cancer prevention and care for Nova Scotians.

Learn More

Media Contact

Christine Smith
Cancer Care Nova Scotia
Susan MacLeod
Capital Health


Dr. Heidi Sapp, anatomical pathology and gastrointestinal and liver patholgy department, examines a slide at her lab in Halifax.
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Edward Branton, colon cancer survivor, talked about his experience beating colon cancer at the launch of Capital Health joining the program.
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Items of the Colon Cancer Prevention Program screening kit that people will start receiving in the mail.
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MLA Leonard Preyra speaks on behalf of Health and Wellness Minister Maureen MacDonald at the Cancer Care Nova Scotia launch of Capital Health's colon cancer home screening program.
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Dr. Bernard Badley talks about the importance of catching cancer early.
Edward Branton talks about the home kit helping him survive colon cancer.
Theresa Marie Underhill talks about the colon cancer home screening program being provincewide.