The AQHI is measured for Halifax, Sydney, Kentville, Greenwood, Pictou, and Port Hawkesbury.
To access the AQHI for Nova Scotia, select the community nearest you.
The AQHI is a national program. Health Canada and Environment Canada work with provincial governments and organizations across the country to make it widely available. Nova Scotia Environment is implementing the AQHI provincially in partnership with the provincial department of Health and Wellness, Health Canada, Environment Canada, and many others.
Examples of Some of Our Partners...
- Health Canada
- Environment Canada
- Nova Scotia Health and Wellness
- Lung Association of Nova Scotia
- Clean Nova Scotia
- Capital Health
- The Halifax Regional Municipality
- Annapolis Community Health Board
- Annapolis Valley District Health Authority
- Dalhousie University's Atlantic RURAL Centre
- Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP)