On July 24, 2007, Shaw Resources registered the Lovett Road Aggregate Pit Expansion for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.
The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to expand the boundaries of the existing pit approvals and continue excavation activities at its existing facility on the Lovett Road, Coldbrook, Nova Scotia. The proposed Project will commence upon obtaining applicable approvals and authorizations. The scope of the proposed project will involve 4.9 hectares, with the final footprint to be approximately 7.1 hectares. The estimated project lifespan is approximately 10 years. The proposed project schedule for the undertaking will be based on 12 hr/days, 5 day/weeks, Monday to Friday, primarily during spring and summer months.
Minister's Decision
On August 20, 2007, the Minister of Environment and Labour released a decision (PDF) concerning this review. The Minister has decided to approve the undertaking in accordance with Section 13(1)b of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, Pursuant to Part IV of the Environment Act.
Opportunities for Public Input
Public comments regarding this project were accepted from July 24, 2007 to August 7, 2007. Comments submitted on the Registration Document are available from the Nova Scotia Department of Environment and Climate Change Library.
Project Documents
- Minister's Decision
- Terms and Conditions of Approval
- Public Notice
- Registration Document Section I
- Registration Document Section II
- Registration Document Section III