Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada


Environmental Assessment


Gold Bond Gypsum Mine Expansion Project


On 18 July 2024, Gold Bond Canada, Ltd registered the Gold Bond Gypsum Mine Expansion Project for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.

The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to allow Gold Bond Canada, Ltd to expand the mine footprint at its existing approved gypsum mine site that has been in operation since 1954 and is located near Milford Station, Nova Scotia (Parcel Identification Number 40829681). The project will expand the area of the gypsum mine from 445 hectares (ha) to 459 ha and allow for continued gypsum production (i.e., blasting, crushing, and stockpiling). The Project will use existing rail loading and transport, as well as marine loading facilities in the Bedford Basin. The approximately 14 ha expansion area maintains a 30 m buffer to the adjacent property to the north; work could start in this area within one year of approval and extractable reserves in the project area are estimated to be fully mined within 10 years at the current average annual rate of production, which is expected to remain consistent. The anticipated average production rate for the expanded mine facility will be at the 20-year average of 3.1 million tonnes of product per year, depending on market demand.  Other than the increased size, the mine will continue to operate as it has been.

Minister's Decision

On or before 6 September 2024, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change will decide if the project can be granted conditional environmental assessment approval.

Project Documents


Opportunities for Public Input

Public comments on the Registration will be accepted until 17 August 2024.


Comments can be submitted online.

In writing

You can submit written comments to:
Environmental Assessment Branch
Department of Environment and Climate Change
PO Box 442
Halifax, NS, B3J 2P8

Fax or email

Fax: 902-424-6925

All comments received from the public consultation will be posted on the department's website for public viewing. In the case of an individual, the address, email and contact information will be removed before being placed on the website. By submitting your comments, you are consenting to the posting of your comments on the department's website.