This is to advise that on February 6, 2017, Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal registered the Highway 101 Digby to Marshalltown Corridor Project for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.
The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to construct a new Highway 101 for the section from near Digby to Marshalltown. This involves the construction, operation, and maintenance of a new 4 km four-lane highway from the exit 26 near Digby to Middle Cross Road in Marshalltown. The new highway will be constructed initially as a two-lane, controlled access corridor with a design speed of 110 km/hr and posted speed of 100 km/hr. Construction for the initial two lanes is planned to begin in 2017. Sufficient right of way will be purchased, so a four-lane highway can be constructed; however, the schedule for this construction has not been determined. The new highway corridor will replace an uncontrolled access section of the existing Highway 101.
Minister's Decision
On March 23, 2017 the Minister of Environment released a decision concerning this review. The Minister has decided to approve the undertaking in accordance with Section 13(1)b of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, pursuant to Part IV of the Environment Act. The undertaking has been approved subject to a number of conditions.
Project Documents
- Public Notice
- Minister's Decision
- Conditions
- Registration Document and Appendix A - C
- Appendix D - F
Opportunities for Public Input
Public comments on the Registration were accepted until March 8, 2017.
Comments received, including any personal information, will be made available to the public upon request.