Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada


Environmental Assessment

Project Highlights

Troy Quarry Expansion


On December 3, 2001, S.W. Weeks Construction Limited submitted an Environmental Assessment Registration Document for a proposed expansion of the Troy Quarry near the community of Troy, Inverness County.

The proponent currently holds an Industrial Approval for a 4 ha quarry which produces approximately 100,000 tonnes per year. The proposed 4 ha expansion is primarily for new stockpile areas.

Minister's Decision

On December 21, 2001, the Honorable David Morse released his Minister's DecisionPDF Download Link (PDF:8k) concerning this review.

The Minister has decided that the undertaking is rejected based on likely non-compliance issues with the Industrial Approval #2001-020402 and that there is a likelihood these non-compliance issues will cause adverse effects or significant environmental effects which are unacceptable.

Opportunities for Public Input

Public comments regarding this project were accepted from December 3, 2001 to December 21, 2001. Comments submitted on Registration Document are available at the Department of Environment and Climate Change Library.

Project Documents