This is to advise that on 15 March 2023, Wedgeport Wind Farm GP Inc, Elemental Energy Renewables Inc, Stevens Wind Ltd and Sipekne’katik First Nation, carrying on business as Wedgeport Wind Farm Limited Partnership, registered the Wedgeport Wind Farm Project for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.
The purpose of the proposed undertaking is to construct and operate a wind energy project to provide a clean, renewable and affordable source of energy to the province. This Project was selected as 1 of 5 successful renewable projects under the Government of Nova Scotia’s Rate Base Procurement. The Project includes up to 13 wind turbine generators, up to 200 m tall to the tip of the blade, with individual generating capacities ranging between 5.9 to 7.0 MW per turbine, depending on final turbine selection. In addition to the wind turbine generators, the Project will include 8.7 km of access roads, 11 km of electrical collector lines, a substation, and temporary laydown areas. Construction of the Project is intended to begin in October 2023 and the Project is expected to be operational for 35 years, commencing in 2025. The Project is located in Little River Harbour, Municipality of the District of Argyle, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. The Project footprint totals 57 ha and is situated within the following private land PIDs: 90092644, 90092701, 90298829, 90093055, 90222266, 90321480, 90270018, 90024373, 90024498, 90093642, 90024480, 90024647, 90024613, 90024621, 90024639, 90024696, 90024795 and 90024894 as well as the following Crown land PIDs: 90007071 and 90007089.
Minister's Decision
On 4 May 2023, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change released a decision (PDF) concerning this review. The Minister has decided to approve the undertaking in accordance with Section 13(1)b of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, pursuant to Part IV of the Environment Act. The undertaking has been approved subject to a number of conditions (PDF).
Project Documents
- Minister’s Decision, Approval (PDF)
- Conditions (PDF)
- Comments EA Registration (PDF)
- Public Notice (PDF)
- Wedgeport Wind Farm EA Registration Document (PDF)
- Appendix A - Figures 1-16 (PDF)
- Appendix A - Figures 17-20 (PDF)
- Appendix B (PDF)
- Appendix C-1, C-2, C-3 and C-4 (PDF)
- Appendix D-L (PDF)
- Appendix M-N (PDF)
- Appendix O (PDF)
- Appendix P-R (PDF)
- Appendix S-U (PDF)
- Appendix V-X (PDF)
Opportunities for Public Input
Public comments on the Registration were accepted until 14 April 2023.
All comments received from the public consultation are posted on the department's website for public viewing. In the case of an individual, the address, email and contact information will be removed before being placed on the website.