Nova Scotia Environment published a guide entitled, "Designation of a Protected Water Area" to help municipalities and the general public better understand the potential role of designation in a municipal source water protection plan. The guidance document explains the steps required to designate a Protected Water Area and is intended to help municipalities and their Watershed Advisory Committees decide if designation is an appropriate management option for the source water supply area.
The preparation of a municipal source water protection plan is based on a consensus-driven approach as described in the five-part series of booklets entitled "Developing a Municipal Source Water Protection Plan: A Guide for Water Utilities and Municipalities". This guidance document should be read in conjunction with the Step 4 booklet entitled "Develop a Source Water Management Plan". The Step 4 booklet describes the wide range of management options that can be used to help protect drinking water from potential sources of contamination. "
As the designation process involves the development of regulations, Nova Scotia Environment should be consulted prior to initiating the process. In addition, if designation regulations are included in the municipal source water protection plan, Section 106(7) of the Environment Act requires full public consultation before regulations are approved by the Minister of Environment.
Sample designation regulations can be found in Appendix A of the guidance booklet, entitled "Designation of a Protected Water Area". A summary of the activities that are regulated as of September 2013 is now available for download (PDF:442k).
Regulations in effect for existing designated Protected Water Areas are available for review (scroll to the section of the page with the heading "Protected Water Area Regulations"). Water utilities are responsible for enforcing these regulations. Information on Protected Water Area Enforcement (PDF:103k) is available to assist municipal water utilities.
If you are planning any activities in a designated Protected Water Area (PDF:519k), it is important that you contact the appropriate water utility.
For further information on this guidance document, please call Nova Scotia Environment at 1-877-9ENVIRO.