The Government of Nova Scotia is committed to a healthy, safe, and supportive workplace in which diversity is valued and where all persons are treated with respect and dignity.
"The tree with its many branches and multi-coloured leaves, represents diversity in all its forms. It symbolizes a healthy and nurturing environment where cooperation and mutual respect lead to positive outcomes for the growth and benefit of all."
This policy applies to all civil servants whose terms and conditions are set out in accordance with the Civil Service Act and regulations. Other direct employees of the provincial government, including all bargaining unit employees must abide by this policy as well.
If you are not an employee of the Province of Nova Scotia and your concern does not relate to an employee of the Province, you may wish to seek information from the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. The Commission administers the Human Rights Act and addresses issues of discrimination under the Act. To find out more about the Commission and services offered visit the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission website; call 1-877-269-7699 or, in Halifax, 902-424-4111; or email hrcinquiries@novascotia.ca. TTY services are also available via 711.
If you are not a government employee, but your concern does relate to a unionized workplace, you may benefit from the services available through the Conciliation and Mediation Services division of Labour and Advanced Education. They offer dispute resolution services and educational workshops relating to labour-management conflict. This includes workshops on communication and conflict resolution, as well as coaching and facilitated conversations to support acute conflict management. More information can be found at https://novascotia.ca/lae/conciliation/ or by calling 902 424-4156.
For more information please contact:
The Public Service Commission
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 943
1800 Argyle Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2V9
Or call 902-424-7660; or email reception-psc@novascotia.ca; or fax (902) 424-4067.
For all Civil Service employees please refer to MyHR for more information.