I have a complaint

If you have a question, or are not sure whether we can help with your specific complaint, call Public Enquiries at 902-424-5200 or toll-free in Nova Scotia at 1-800-670-4357. Or submit your questions through Online Enquiry Form.

General Instructions

  • Please fill in the entire form. Make sure you include names and phone numbers.
  • After completing the form, submit it online, or mail a printed, signed form to the nearest Access Nova Scotia site. You can find a list of Access Nova Scotia offices.
  • Please print clearly. If you need more space, please attach a separate sheet.
  • If you are acting for someone else,
    • For example, if you're making a complaint on behalf of a spouse or a senior parent please indicate this. Privacy laws require that the person give their consent to the sharing of information. Both you and the person on whose behalf you are acting will have to sign a printed version of the form and return it to an Access Nova Scotia office.

Consumer Online Complaints Form

Your Information

For Office Use Only *: (leave blank)
(including postal code)

Acting on Behalf

If you are acting on behalf of another, please indicate the name of the individual on whose behalf you are submitting this complaint, and their relationship to you.


Please note:

By submitting this form on the behalf of someone else; you are confirming that you have secured their permission to disclose their information.

Complaint Being Filed Against


Complaint Information

(if different from date of transaction)

Please note that it is always best to try to resolve your complaint directly with the business. We can only help after you have first tried to resolve the complaint directly.

Permission to Share Information

By submitting this form online, you declare the information you provide to be true and correct. You are also consenting to the sharing of the information on this form with the business in question, any government department or law enforcement agency, and any self-regulatory body or association. Any personal information you provide will only be used for the purposes of complaint mediation or investigation.


The privacy rights of online visitors to the Service Nova Scotia (SNS) Website are fully protected by Nova Scotia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any personal information which SNS collects from visitors relates directly to the operation of programs and will not be used for any other purpose. To obtain access to or correct personal information you have submitted via this form, please contact Service Nova Scotia at:

FOIPOP Administrator
P.O. Box 1003
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2X1

By signing below, you declare the information you provide to be true and correct. You are also consenting to the sharing of the information on this form with the business in question, any government department or law enforcement agency, and any self-regulatory body or association. Any personal information you provide will only be used for the purposes of complaint mediation or investigation.


The privacy rights of online visitors to the Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations (SNSMR) Website are fully protected by Nova Scotia's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any personal information which SNSMR collects from visitors relates directly to the operation of programs and will not be used for any other purpose. To obtain access to or correct personal information you have submitted via this form, please contact Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations at:

FOIPOP Administrator
P.O. Box 1003
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2X1

Signature: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

If you are submitting this complaint on someone else's behalf, that person must sign below.

I hereby authorize ____________________________________________________ to disclose the information included on this form, which is true and correct, with the business in question, any government department or law enforcement agency, and any self-regulatory body or association.

Signature: ________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________