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Department of Natural Resources

Wildlife Resources Card

Who Needs This Card?

Eligible Nova Scotia residents (see Additional Information section) and non-residents who wish to engage in various activities licensed or authorized under the Wildlife Act and Regulations.

A Wildlife Resources Card is required by:

  • All Nova Scotia residents in order to:
    1. Obtain any resident licence (regular or senior) issued under the Wildlife Act and Regulations;
    2. Purchase any commercial licence (Furbuyer, Hide Buyer, Taxidermist, Nuisance Wildlife Operator, Pheasant Preserve Operator, Guide) ;
    3. Purchase a Nova Scotia Wildlife Habitat Stamp (base licence)
      ** Required even for snaring snowshoe hare or taking other harvestable wildlife;
    4. Purchase a falconry permit;
    5. Enter any DNR wildlife harvesting related draw- includes the annual Moose Hunting Draw, Antlerless Deer Hunting Draw and the Belleisle Marsh Waterfowl Hunting Blind Draw.

  • All Non-Residents in order to:
    1. Purchase any commercial licence (Furbuyer, Hide Buyer, Taxidermist, Nuisance Wildlife Operator, Pheasant Preserve Operator, Guide) ;
    2. Purchase a falconry permit.
  • Non-residents interested in purchasing any non-resident hunting licences are not currently required to have a Wildlife Resources Card but are entitled to apply for one if they choose.

    Non-residents will receive a WRC with the words “NON-RESIDENT” printed on the front.

Issuing Department / Agency:
N.S. Department of Natural Resources
Where can you get Further Information?
  1. Online at:
  2. Any Department of Natural Resources' Local or Area Offices
  3. Nova Scotia Hunting and Furharvesting Summary of Regulations (also available in printed format)

Application Process:

Residents and Non-Residents can obtain a WRC:

  1. Online at:
    • Visa or Mastercard is required to pay the application fee
    • Pre-paid credit cards are not accepted

  2. Calling 1-900-565-7418
    • The application fee will be automatically charged to the phone number used to make the call
    • Cell phones cannot be used
    • Phone lines available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
    • If you experience difficulties getting through, contact your phone service provider to determine if you have a 1-900 block on your phone.

When ordering a WRC, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • FullFull Name;
  • Birth Date;
  • Height;
  • Eye Colour;
  • Mailing and Civic Address (including postal code);
  • Telephone Number and;
  • Email address (if applicable)
  • Proof of having successfully completed a Nova Scotia recognized Hunter/Furharvester/Crossbow/Bow Hunter Education course(s).
Waiting Period:

5-10 business days.

Expiry & Renewal (Updated June 1, 2018):

There is currently no requirement to renew Wildlife Resources Cards. Therefore, regardless of the expiry date printed on the face of your Wildlife Resources Card, it will remain valid. Continue to use your existing Wildlife Resources Card. Additional information is available online at:

Price: (HST is charged)

$7.78 plus HST (subject to change without notice)

Related Requirements:
Proof of completing Canadian Firearms Training (Non-Restricted) Course required.
Additional Information:

Per the Wildlife Act a resident, "at any time means a person permanently or ordinarily a resident in the province for the two (2) months immediately preceding that time and includes:

  1. an officer of the diplomatic or consular service of a foreign country stationed within the province;
  2. a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police OR the Canadian Armed Forces stationed or born in the province;
  3. a person born in the province and the owner of real property in the province".
Legislative Authority:
Wildlife Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, Chapter 504

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Please use the online inquiry form if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.