The Department of Natural Resources (NR&R), in partnership with Service Nova Scotia, continues to progress towards implementing a fully automated electronic licensing and client services system in Nova Scotia. The intent is to better and more conveniently meet the future needs of all of Nova Scotia’s current and future wildlife resource users for licensing, harvest reporting, limited entry draws (moose and deer), harvester training, and other services.
In an effort to avoid potentially unnecessary expense to wildlife resources users and to the Department, Wildlife Resources Cards (WRC) do not have to be renewed at this time.
If you currently hold a Wildlife Resources Card, regardless of what expiry date is shown on the card. You are not required to renew your WRC at this time and no renewal cards are being produced.
In order to continue purchasing licences and applying for limited-entry hunt draws (eg. moose and antlerless deer), you must retain your current Wildlife Resources Card , regardless of the printed expiry date. You are also required to carry your WRC with you while engaged in hunting and/or trapping activities in the province.
To ensure that there is no interruption in services using your WRC (ie: generating a PIN, submitting harvest reports, registering for courses, etc), WRC holders with any changes to phone number, email address, civic or mailing address (including postal code) are encouraged to update their information:
Citizen Services Division Business Registration Unit
Bos 1529, 6N-1505 Barrington Street
Halifax, NS B3J 2Y4
This renewal notice has been provided to all Canadian provincial/territorial wildlife management agencies.
If you are planning a hunting/trapping trip in another province, however, and are concerned about the validity of your Wildlife Resources Card, you can print this renewal information (PDF) as proof that your Wildlife Resources Card and associated certifications will remain valid.