The Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway program allows volunteers to help their communities by collecting litter and beautifying roadsides and interchange areas.
This program started in Nova Scotia in 1992 with an initial 18 volunteer groups. Today, we have over 160 groups who have adopted more than 1000 kilometres of secondary road and fourteen Interchange areas (Exit Ramps) throughout the province. On average, 5-6 thousand bags of garbage and recyclable materials are picked up along adopted Nova Scotia highways each year.
It's a free, easy way for groups to help their communities, make a visible impact and earn some well-deserved recognition.
Motorists respond. Seeing our Adopt-A-Highway signs and our volunteers at work resonates with would-be littering offenders. Research has shown that highways adopted by Adopt-A-Highway Volunteers are generally less littered than those that haven't been adopted.
For more information on this program please contact:
Nova Scotia Adopt-A-Highway Program
D-28 Esplanade Street
Truro, NS B2N 2K3
T: 902-843-3553
Read the Litterature newsletter