Nova Scotia has always been a place rich in culture and heritage. Participate in one of the many artistic events in our communities and see our creativity shine. Walk into a store and purchase the inspiring works of a local artist. Go online and download the latest hit from musicians who got their start here. It's easy to feel pride in where we live when we see our stories expressed to the world.
Our culture and heritage contribute much to our quality of life. They enrich our communities and benefit our economy. By investing in these sectors, we realize their tremendous value for Nova Scotians. According to the 2010 Culture Satellite Account figures, arts, culture and heritage contribute about $868 million to Nova Scotia's economy, and more than 14,000 jobs across the province.
A variety of funding programs, grants and awards are available for individuals and organizations in Nova Scotia. They are an important part of sustaining and growing our culture and heritage sectors. By investing in innovation, creativity and arts, these programs help industries succeed, create jobs, support artists and enhance our communities.
For a full listing of the funding programs and resources offered by CCTH, click here

Culture Innovation Fund
The Culture Innovation Fund supports initiatives and projects that use culture in new and better ways to create social or economic value. The fund supports partnerships and collaborations that use the full range of our broad and diverse culture to address social issues and opportunities in communities. The fund also helps strengthen the role of museums and libraries.
Visit the Culture Innovation Fund program page for more information.

Creative Industries Funding
Creative Industries Funding will help develop and grow creative industries, especially those focused on export markets. It will be available to for-profit businesses, not-for-profit organizations and social enterprises operating in the creative industries, including music, publishing, film, craft, visual arts, performing arts, and design fields. For more information, contact Mickey Quase 902-424-3701
Visit the Creative Industries Fund program page for more information.
Visit the Screenwriters Development Fund program for more information.
Visit the Publishers Assistance Fund program for more information.
Visit the Nova Scotia Film & Television Production Incentive Fund program for more information.

Major Event Hosting
If you are hosting a major event, on a scale such as the Canadian Country Music Awards or Canadian Seniors Curling Championships, please chat with our staff about opportunities in Nova Scotia. Contact one of our team members listed on or email

Strategic Funding Initiative program
The Strategic Funding Initiative program provides one-time funding to projects that are significant to communities. These apply to cultural, heritage, sport and community-based initiatives.

Community Transportation Action Plan
We are making community transportation more affordable, accessible, convenient, and reliable.
Visit the Community Transportation Action Plan page for more information.

Let’s Get Moving Nova Scotia
Let’s Get Moving Nova Scotia is an action plan to create a more active, inclusive and healthier population.
Visit the Let’s Get Moving Nova Scotia Action Plan page for more information.

Festival and Community Event Development
Each year Nova Scotia hosts dozens of festivals and events. These festival and events help build stronger communities and attract visitors to all regions of our province. As part of this program the province makes funding available to support initiatives related to Festivals and Events. For more information contact Stephen MacDougall at

Culture Funding and Awards
Artists and cultural communities contribute to quality of life in Nova Scotia. Recognizing the importance of this role, the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage offers peer adjudicated funding opportunities in support of artistic works and cultural projects.
Operating Assistance to Cultural Organizations
View the Gaelic Language in the Community Program website for more information.

Heritage Funding
Throughout this province, there are objects, buildings, places and stories that connect us to the past. Recognizing the importance of preserving and sharing these vital heritage links, the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage provides funding opportunities to support the collection, preservation and interpretation of historic assets.
Community Museum Assistance Program
Heritage Development Fund (Heritage Property)
Strategic Development Initiative
View the Nova Scotia Museum Research Grants Program website for more information.
View the Provincial Archival Development Program website for more information.

Support4Culture is a collection of programs that support arts, culture, and heritage in communities across Nova Scotia. Funds are raised through the sale of designated ticket lottery products via the Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation, and the programs are managed by the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage and Arts Nova Scotia.

Arts Nova Scotia
Investment opportunities through grants, funding programs and awards are available from Arts Nova Scotia, the provincial funding agency that provides support to professional artists, arts organizations, arts education programs, and a number of arts awards and prizes. Governed by an 11 member board of directors, Arts Nova Scotia is an arm's length agency of the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage.