Fish Buyers/Fish Processors Licensing
The Province of Nova Scotia regulates seafood buying and processing within Nova Scotia, for the purpose of maintaining product quality, protecting the health and safety of seafood consumers and assisting in the development of the fisheries industry.
Seafood harvesting is regulated by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and it generally becomes the responsbility of the province once the harvest reaches land or the wharf.
Due to the on-going Licensing Policy Review, the Department is currently not accepting the following types of applications:
- New Fish Buyer Licences (all species);
- New Fish Processor Licences (all species);
- Changes to existing Fish Buyer or Fish Processor Licences (i.e. species additions, authorized processing activities)
For additional information, or to request clarification on other licensing transactions, email Licensing and Registration at
Reissuing a Fish Buyers/Fish Processors Licence
Although the Department is not accepting applications for new licences, it is possible to obtain a reissued licence if an existing licence holder is willing to relinquish the licence.
- Licence Reissuance Process
- Forms Required for Every Reissuance Application
- Application to Reissue a Fish Buyers Licence
Application to Reissue a Fish Buyers/Fish Processors Licence
Pay Your Fish Buyers or Fish Processors Licence Fees
Click here to pay for your fish buyers or fish processors licence online using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Interac® Online, or debit card. To make a payment you will need the licence number, licence holder name, invoice number, and amount due.
Forms and Reporting
- Fish Buyers Online Reporting System
- Fish Buyers Online Reporting System Manual
- Reporting Tips
- Monthly Fish Buyers Reporting Document (all species except lobster, eel and snow crab)
- Monthly Fish Buyers Reporting Document (lobster)
- Monthly Fish Buyers Reporting Document (snow crab)
- Weekly Fish Buyers Reporting Document (eel including elver)
- Fish Processors Annual Report
- Appointment of Designated Buyers by Licensed Fish Buyers
- Authorized Contacts Form
Legislation, Policies and Procedures
- Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act
- Fish Buyers's Licensing and Enforcement Regulations
- Fish Inspection Regulations
- Fish Processors and Fish Buyers Licence Policy
- Guidelines for the Development of a Live Lobster Facilities Protocol
Other Resources
- Food Establishment Permits for Retail Fish Buyers Licences for Live Lobster
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency Safe Food for Canadians Licences
Sector Information
- Revised Q&A – Upcoming Changes for Industry (Dec 2024)
- Upcoming Changes for Industry (Oct 2024)
- Q&A - Upcoming Changes for Industry (Oct 2024)
- Memo to Licensed Buyers - Illegal Fish or Fish Products (Dec 2024)
- Memo to Licence Holders - Mandatory Notifications Requirements (Dec 2024)
Licence Conditions
Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture
Licensing and Registration
1575A Lake Road
Sandy Point, NS B0T 1W0
Phone: 902-875-7443
Fax: 902-875-7429