This consolidation is unofficial and is for reference only.  For the official version of the regulations, consult the original documents on file with the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, or refer to the Royal Gazette Part II.
Regulations are amended frequently.  Please check the list of Regulations by Act to see if there are any recent amendments to these regulations filed with our office that are not yet included in this consolidation.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this electronic version, the Office of the Registrar of Regulations assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have resulted from reformatting.
This electronic version is copyright © , Province of Nova Scotia, all rights reserved.  It is for your personal use and may not be copied for the purposes of resale in this or any other form.

Summary Offence Tickets Regulations

made under Sections 8, 8A and 8B of the

Summary Proceedings Act

R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 450

N.S. Reg. 281/2011 (effective October 4, 2011)

amended to N.S. Reg. 187/2024 (effective August 27, 2024)

Effective September 4, 2024, these regulations are amended by N.S. Reg. 189/2024.

Effective September 12, 2024, these regulations are amended by N.S. Reg. 196/2024.

Table of Contents

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.
Click here to go to the text of the regulations.




Designated Offences

Designation of offences

Description of offence

Out of Court Settlement

Payable out of court

Out of court settlement amount

Components of out of court settlement amount

Indorsement by peace officer

Summary Offence Tickets

Form of summary offence tickets

Plea of guilty on summons

Notice of intention to appear

Electronic Completion and Processing of Summary Offence Tickets

Summary offence ticket completed electronically

Signing ticket electronically

Filing ticket electronically

Printing summary offence ticket completed electronically

Data added to summary offence ticket filed electronically

Parking-Infraction Tickets

Form of parking-infraction tickets

Victim surcharge exemption

Parking-infraction tickets completed electronically

Notice of parking infraction

Certificate of service

Filing ticket or certificate with Court

Striking out Convictions

When conviction struck out


Table of Schedules to Regulations



1        These regulations may be cited as the Summary Offence Tickets Regulations.


2        In these regulations,


“Act” means the Summary Proceedings Act;


“former regulations” means the Summary Offence Tickets Regulations, N.S. Reg. 4/2001;


“JEIN” means the Justice Enterprise Information Network or any successor information system in use by the Court Services Division of the Department of Justice for processing summary offence tickets.

Designated Offences

Designation of offences

3        (1)    The offences listed in Schedule PT are hereby designated for the purposes of Section 8A of the Act.


          (2)    The offences listed in all Schedules other than Schedule PT are hereby designated for the purposes of Section 8 of the Act.

Description of offence

4        In a summary offence ticket or a parking-infraction ticket, an offence may be described by any of the following:


                   (a)      the words set out in the applicable Schedule, opposite the number of the Section providing for the offence;


                   (b)     the words of the enactment;


                   (c)      a concise expression that sufficiently describes the offence to the accused.

Out of Court Settlement

Payable out of court

5        (1)    An offence charged in a summary offence ticket or a parking-infraction ticket is one for which the penalty may be paid out of court if any of the following applies:


                   (a)      there is an amount listed in the out of court settlement column opposite the description of the offence in the applicable schedule;


                   (b)     there is a category letter listed in the out of court settlement column opposite the description of the offence in the applicable Schedule.


          (2)    If “Nil” appears in the out of court settlement column opposite the description of the offence in the applicable schedule, the offence cannot be paid out of court.

Out of court settlement amount

6        (1)    The amount to be paid for out of court settlement for an offence listed in a schedule to these regulations is


                   (a)      the amount that is listed in the out of court settlement column opposite the description of the offence in the schedule; or


                   (b)     for an offence that is punishable under an enactment as a category offence under Section 4B of the Act, the amount listed in the following table for the offence category letter that appears opposite the description of the offence in the applicable schedule and for the incidence of the offence:



Out of Court Settlement


first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence






first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence






first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence






first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence






first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence






first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence






first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third or subsequent offence





first offence

second offence

third offence



$11 622.50


The amount to be paid for out of court settlement of a parking offence is reduced by $36.60 if it is paid during the first 60 days after the ticket is issued.


“Double” indicates that the penalty prescribed for the offence is set at double the usual penalty for the category letter.


          (2)    Despite subsection (1), the amount to be paid for out of court settlement for an offence listed in Schedule PT is the minimum amount set out in subsection (1) for the category of the offence, regardless of the incidence of the offence.

Components of out of court settlement amount

7        (1)    An out of court settlement amount includes the penalty for the offence, the $122.50 or $36.60 charge provided for in the Act and the victim surcharge referred to in Section 7 of the Victims Rights and Services Act and the regulations under that Act, if applicable.


          (2)    Despite subsection (1), for an offence for which a parking-infraction ticket is issued, the $36.60 charge for parking offences provided for in the Act is waived for the first 60 days after the date upon which the ticket is issued, but if the penalty is paid after the first 60 days and the ticket has been filed with a Provincial Court, the $36.60 charge must be included in the out of court settlement amount.

Indorsement by peace officer

8        In accordance with subsections 8(5) and (6) of the Act, a ticket may be indorsed by a peace officer by entering 1 of the following, as applicable, on the summons portion of the summary offence ticket or the parking-infraction ticket:


                   (a)      the out of court settlement amount listed opposite the description of the offence in the applicable Schedule;


                   (b)     the out of court settlement amount set out in Section 6 that corresponds to the offence category listed opposite the description of the offence in the applicable Schedule and to the incidence of the offence.

Summary Offence Tickets

Form of summary offence tickets

9        (1)    A summary offence ticket must be in the form set out in Form A, and includes the certification required by subsection 8(10) of the Act.


          (2)    A summary offence ticket as prescribed under subsection (1) must be used for an offence designated by subsection 3(2).


          (3)    Despite any other provision of these regulations, the former regulations as they existed immediately before April 1, 2011, apply to a summary offence ticket summons served before April 1, 2011, and, for greater certainty, the former regulations must be read, interpreted and construed with respect to any such ticket summons and related information and proceedings as if the former regulations were not amended by N.S. Reg. 43/2011.


          (4)    Despite subsections (1) and (2), a summary offence ticket in Form A as prescribed by N.S. Reg. 281/2011 may be used and processed as if it meets the requirements of subsections (1) and (2).

Plea of guilty on summons

10      For the purposes of subsection 9(2) of the Act, the form of a plea of guilty on a summons must be in the form set forth on the ticket prescribed under subsection 9(1).

Notice of intention to appear

11      A notice of intention to appear for the following purposes must be in Form A-1:


                   (a)      for the purpose of pleading guilty to an offence and making a submission as to penalty;


                   (b)     for the purpose of entering a plea of not guilty and having a trial of the matter.

Electronic Completion and Processing of Summary Offence Tickets

Summary offence ticket completed electronically

11A   (1)    A summary offence ticket may be completed electronically if the data required to be recorded for the ticket meets all of the following criteria:


                   (a)      it is the same or substantially the same as the information required by Form A and is capable of being printed in accordance with Section 11D;


                   (b)     it is intelligible and is in an electronic format that is compatible with JEIN;


                   (c)      it cannot be altered after the ticket has been signed electronically in accordance with Section 11B, other than to elaborate on, compress or encrypt coded data as necessary for transmission to JEIN.


          (2)    A requirement in Section 8 of the Act for a person to enter or print information on a summary offence ticket is satisfied by provision of the information as part of the automated function of an electronic data system used to complete the ticket electronically.

Signing ticket electronically

11B    (1)    A summary offence ticket may be signed electronically in accordance with this Section.


          (2)    A summary offence ticket that is signed electronically must contain a unique code, name or number assigned to a person that identifies that person as the originator of the data entered or attested to by that person.


          (3)    The code, name or number referred to in subsection (2) must be


                   (a)      generated by electronic means and attached to the data entered or attested to by that person; and


                   (b)     reasonably secure against unauthorized use.


          (4)    For the purpose of clause (3)(b), a code, name or number is presumed reasonably secure against unauthorized use if it meets 1 of the following:


                   (a)      the physical means of generating it are themselves protected;


                   (b)     the electronic means of generating it are themselves a secure code or those means are protected by a password issued in confidence to the signer.

Filing ticket electronically

11C   (1)    A summary offence ticket that is completed and signed electronically in accordance with Sections 11A and 11B may be deposited under subsection 8(12) of the Act if all of the following conditions are met:


                   (a)      the data is transmitted without alteration to JEIN;


                   (b)     the data is received in its entirety by JEIN;


                   (c)      JEIN transmits an acknowledgment of receipt to the originating computer system confirming receipt of intelligible data.


          (2)    Once the data for a summary offence ticket is received by JEIN, the systems manager of JEIN must ensure that the data remains complete and unaltered.

Printing summary offence ticket completed electronically

11D   (1)    For the purpose of printing an original document under subsection 8B(2) of the Act, a summary offence ticket that is completed, signed and filed electronically in accordance with these regulations must meet all of the following printing requirements:


                   (a)      it must be printed in the form prescribed by subsection 9(1);


                   (b)     it must be approved by the clerk of the court.


          (2)    Any portion of a summary offence ticket that is completed or signed electronically and printed for the purpose of processing the ticket must be printed in the form prescribed by subsection 9(1).

Data added to summary offence ticket filed electronically

11E    (1)    A person must not alter the data for a summary offence ticket that is filed electronically, except to add data as permitted by this Section.


          (2)    The clerk of the court may authorize adding any data to complete the record of conviction portion of a ticket that is filed electronically, including adding any of the following:


                   (a)      the disposition of the proceeding in which the ticket was used;


                   (b)     the details of any enforcement measures.


          (3)    A justice may use electronic means to examine a summary offence ticket that is filed electronically, to do any of the following:


                   (a)      add any data required to complete the record of conviction in accordance with subsection (2);


                   (b)     electronically sign the ticket in accordance with Section 11B.


          (4)    A person authorized to add data in accordance with this Section may do so only if the person has access to the summary offence ticket data through a password issued to the person in confidence.


          (5)    Decoding and expanding coded data or abbreviations based on tables of concordance does not constitute alteration of the data of a summary offence ticket.

Parking-Infraction Tickets

Form of parking-infraction tickets

12      (1)    Except as provided in subsections (2) and (2A), a parking-infraction ticket must be in the form set out in Form B.


          (2)    A parking-infraction ticket in the Halifax Regional Municipality may be in the form set out in Form B-1.


          (2A) A parking infraction ticket in Form B that is created in an electronic format may, in place of the itemized list of Motor Vehicle Act violations, identify only the alleged parking infraction, but the applicable penalty amount and the other portions of Form B must remain the same.


          (3)    A parking-infraction ticket as prescribed under this Section must be used for an offence designated by subsection 3(1).

Victim surcharge exemption

13      In accordance with the exemption in clause 7(3)(b) of the Victims’ Rights and Services Act, the victim surcharge referred to in subsection 7(1) of that Act is not included in the out of court settlement amount for a parking infraction as defined in subsection 8A(1) of the Act.

Parking-infraction tickets completed electronically

14      If a parking-infraction ticket or certification that is in an electronic format is completed and signed electronically, the ticket or certification must be completed and signed in an electronic format that is compatible with the Justice Oriented Information System (JOIS) or the Justice Enterprise Information Network (JEIN) or any successor system in use by the Department of Justice, Court Services.

Notice of parking infraction

15      (1)    In this Section and Section 16, “parking-infraction ticket administrator” means a person duly appointed by the applicable municipal council as the Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator or, in the case of an enforcement agency, appointed by the head of that agency within the Province.


          (2)    A notice of parking infraction in the form set out in Form C and signed by the Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator constitutes the prescribed form for the summons to appear for the parking infraction.


          (3)    The signature of the Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator may be applied to the notice prescribed in subsection (2) by stamp or electronically as part of the process of printing the summons.

Certificate of service

16      A certificate of service for a parking-infraction ticket must be in the form set out in Form D and shall be signed by the Parking-Infraction Ticket Administrator.

Filing ticket or certificate with Court

17      (1)    A parking-infraction ticket or certificate of service may be filed with the Provincial Court by electronic transmission or by filing a copy of the ticket or certificate on an electronic capture device such as a compact disc.


          (2)    A parking-infraction ticket or certificate of service printed from an electronic image constitutes an original as if filing in that form.

Striking out Convictions

When conviction struck out

18      (1)    The fee for an application to strike out a conviction under subsection 8(18) of the Act is


                   (a)      for a single application, $54.50;


                   (b)     for all applications for 2 or more convictions entered on the same day, $81.75.


          (2)    Pursuant to subsection 8(20) of the Act, the maximum amount of costs to be ordered by a judge to be paid by a defendant when a conviction is struck out is $20.


          (3)    A certificate of a justice striking out a conviction for the purpose of subsection 8(17A) of the Act and under 8(18) of the Act must be in Form A-2.


Table of Schedules to Regulations

Please note: this table of contents is provided for convenience of reference and does not form part of the regulations.

 Schedule #  Title
1 Tickets and Forms
Form A - Summary Offence Ticket
Form A1 - Notice of Intention to Appear in Court
Form A2 - Certificate of a Justice Striking Out a Conviction
Form B - Parking-Infraction Ticket
Form B-1 - Parking-Infraction Ticket for Halifax Regional Municipality
Form C - Notice of Parking Infraction
Form D - Certificate of Service
PT Parking Infraction Ticket Charges
2 Dangerous Goods Transportation Act
2A Regulations adopted under the Dangerous Goods Transportation Act
3 Motor Carrier Act
3A Regulations made under the Motor Carrier Act
4 Motor Vehicle Act
4A Regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Act
5 Off-highway Vehicles Act
5A Regulations made under the Off-highway Vehicles Act
6 Public Highways Act
7 Emergency Management Act
8 Emergency "911" Act
9 Environment Act
9A Regulations made under the Environment Act
10 Beaches Act
10A Regulations made under the Beaches Act
11 Crown Lands Act
12 Forests Act
12A Regulations made under the Forests Act
13 Provincial Parks Act
13A Regulations made under the Provincial Park Act
14 Trails Act
14A Regulations made under the Trails Act
15 Wildlife Act
15A Regulations made under the Wildlife Act
16 Municipal Government Act
17 Building Code Act
18 Tanning Beds Act
19 Bylaws and Regulations made under the Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission Act
20 Liquor Control Act
21 Protection of Property Act
22 Tobacco Access Act
23 Smoke-Free Places Act
24 Domestic Violence Intervention Act
25 Regulations made under the Highway 104 Western Alignment Act
26 Occupational Health and Safety Act
27 Technical Safety Act
27A Regulations made under the Technical Safety Act
28 Electrical Installation and Inspection Act
28A Regulations made under the Electrical Installation and Inspection Act
29 Flea Markets Regulation Act
29A Regulations made under the Flea Markets Regulation Act
30 Amusement Devices Safety Act
31 Elevators and Lifts Act
31A Regulations made under the Elevators and Lifts Act
32 Fire Safety Act
33 Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act
33A Regulations made under the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act
34 Wilderness Areas Protection Act
35 Private Investigators and Private Guards Act
35A Regulations made under the Private Investigators and Private Guards Act
36 Retail Business Designated Day Closing Act
37 Non-essential Pesticides Control Act
38 Halifax Regional Water Commission Act
38A Regulations under the Halifax Regional Water Commission Act
39 Snow Sport Helmet Act
40 Fish Harvester Organizations Support Act
41 Animal Protection Act
41A Regulations under the Animal Protection Act
42 Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act
42A Regulations under the Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act
43 Fur Industry Act
43A Regulations under the Fur Industry Act
44 Halifax Regional Municipality Charter
45 Direct Sellers' Regulation Act
46 Cannabis Control Act
47 Body Armour Control Act
48 Safe Body Art Act
48A Regulations under the Safe Body Art Act
49 Health Protection Act
49A Regulations made under the Health Protection Act
50 Police Identity Management Act
  Municipal Bylaw schedules:
M-1 Cape Breton Regional Municipality By-laws
M-2 Halifax Regional Municipality
M-3 Municipality of the County of Annapolis By-laws
M-4 Municipality of the County of Colchester By-laws
M-5 Municipality of the County of Kings By-laws
M-6 Municipality of the County of Pictou By-laws
M-7 Municipality of the County of Richmond By-laws
M-8 Municipality of the Distict of Barrington By-laws
M-9 Municipality of the District of Chester By-laws
M-10 Municipality of the District of Digby By-laws
M-11 Municipality of the District of East Hants By-laws
M-12 Municipality of the District of West Hants By-laws
M-13 Municipality of the District of Yarmouth By-laws
M-14 Region of Queen's Municipality By-laws
M-15 Town of Antigonish By-laws
M-16 repealed
M-17 Town of Bridgewater By-laws
M-18 Town of Clark's Harbour By-laws
M-19 Town of Digby By-laws
M-20 repealed
M-21 Town of Kentville By-laws
M-22 Town of Lunenburg By-laws
M-23 Town of Mahone Bay By-laws
M-24 Town of Middleton By-laws
M-25 Town of Truro By-laws
M-26 Town of Windsor By-laws
M-27 Town of Wolfville By-laws
M-28 Town of Yarmouth By-laws
M-29 Municipality of the County of Antigonish By-laws
M-30 Town of Pictou By-laws
M-31 Municipality of the District of Shelburne By-laws
M-32 Municipality of the County of Victoria By-laws
M-33 Town of Berwick By-laws
M-34 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg By-laws
M-35 Municipality of the County of Inverness By-laws
M-36 Town of Annapolis Royal By-laws
M-37 Town of Shelburne By-laws
M-38 Town of New Glasgow By-laws




Legislative History
Reference Tables

Summary Offence Tickets Regulations

N.S. Reg. 281/2011

Summary Proceedings Act

Note: The information in these tables does not form part of the regulations and is compiled by the Office of the Registrar of Regulations for reference only.

Source Law

The current consolidation of the Summary Offence Tickets Regulations made under the Summary Proceedings Act includes all of the following regulations:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue


Oct 4, 2011

date specified

Oct 21, 2011


Oct 11, 2011

date specified

Oct 21, 2011


Dec 8, 2011

date specified

Dec 30, 2011


Jan 11, 2012

date specified

Jan 27, 2012


Jan 11, 2012

date specified

Jan 27, 2012


Jan 11, 2012

date specified

Jan 27, 2012


Jan 11, 2012

date specified

Jan 27, 2012


Jan 11, 2012

date specified

Jan 27, 2012


Jan 11, 2012

date specified

Jan 27, 2012


Jan 19, 2012

date specified

Feb 10, 2012


Feb 22, 2012

date specified

Mar 9, 2012


Jul 6, 2013

date specified

May 18, 2012


Sep 1, 2012

date specified

Jun 1, 2012


Nov 1, 2012

date specified

Nov 16, 2012


Feb 13, 2013

date specified

Feb 22, 2013


Apr 1, 2013

date specified

Apr 12, 2013


Jun 10, 2013

date specified

Jun 28, 2013


Jul 10, 2013

date specified

Jul 26, 2013


Jul 31, 2013

date specified

Aug 23, 2013


Jan 15, 2014

date specified

Dec 27, 2013


Feb 7, 2014

date specified

Mar 7, 2014


Mar 4, 2014

date specified

Mar 21, 2014


Mar 4, 2014

date specified

Mar 21, 2014


Mar 6, 2014

date specified

Mar 21, 2014


Jun 17, 2014

date specified

Jul 11, 2014


Jul 30, 2014

date specified

Jul 11, 2014


Jul 22, 2014

date specified

Aug 8, 2014


Jul 22, 2014

date specified

Aug 8, 2014


Oct 7, 2014

date specified

Oct 31, 2014


Dec 2, 2014

date specified
(in force date of S.N.S. 2014, c. 40)

Dec 12, 2014


Dec 11, 2014

date specified

Dec 26, 2014


Dec 19, 2014

date specified

Jan 9, 2015


Jan 9, 2015

date specified

Jan 23, 2015


Feb 12, 2015

date specified

Mar 6, 2015


Feb 26, 2015

date specified

Mar 20, 2015


March 24, 2015

date specified

Apr 17, 2015


Apr 1, 2015

date specified

Apr 8, 2015


May 12, 2015

date specified

May 29, 2015


May 31, 2015

date specified

Jun 12, 2015


Aug 1, 2015

date specified

Jul 24, 2015


Oct 26, 2015

date specified
(in force date of S.N.S. 2015, c. 19)5

Nov 13, 2015


Jan 6, 2016

date specified

Jan 22, 2016


May 1, 2016

date specified

May 13, 2016


May 2, 2016

date specified

May 27, 2016


Jun 7, 2016

date specified

Jun 24, 2016


Jun 7, 2016

date specified

Jun 24, 2016


Jun 24, 2016

date specified

Jul 8, 2016


Jun 24, 2016

date specified

Jul 8, 2016


Jul 7, 2016

date specified

Jul 22, 2016


Jul 26, 2016

date specified

Aug 5, 2016


Jul 28, 2016

date specified

Aug 19, 2016


Aug 23, 2016

date specified

Sep 16, 2016


Nov 4, 2016

date specified

Nov 25, 2016


Jan 13, 2017

date specified

Feb 3, 2017


Mar 7, 2017

date specified

Mar 31, 2017


Apr 26, 2017

date specified

May 12, 2017


Jul 17, 2017

date specified

Aug 4, 2017


Jul 17, 2017

date specified

Aug 4, 2017


Oct 16, 2017

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Oct 27, 2017


Feb 12, 2018

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Mar 2, 2018


Feb 22, 2018

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Mar 16, 2018


Mar 2, 2018

date specified

Mar 16, 2018


Mar 22, 2018

date specified

Apr 13, 2018


Jun 19, 2018

date specified

Jul 6, 2018


Jun 26, 2018

date specified

Jul 20, 2018


Jul 9, 2018

date specified

Aug 3, 2018


Jul 9, 2018

date specified

Aug 3, 2018


Jul 17, 2018

date specified

Aug 3, 2018


Jul 26, 2018

date specified

Aug 17, 2018


Aug 2, 2018

date specified

Aug 17, 2018


Oct 17, 2018

date specified

Oct 12, 2018


Oct 17, 2018

date specified

Nov 9, 2018


Nov 8, 2018

date specified

Nov 23, 2018


Nov 21, 2018

date specified

Dec 21, 2018


Dec 13, 2018

date specified

Jan 4, 2019


Jan 10, 2019

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Feb 1, 2019


Feb 19, 2019

date specified

Mar 15, 2019


Feb 20, 2019

date specified (in force date of S.N.S. 2018, c. 22)

Feb 15, 2019


Feb 20, 2019

date specified

Mar 15, 2019


Apr 30, 2019

date specified

May 24, 2019


Jun 10, 2019

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Jun 21, 2019


Jun 12, 2019

date specified

Jul 5, 2019


Aug 14, 2019

date specified

Sep 13, 2019


Oct 24, 2019

date specified

Nov 22, 2019


Nov 15, 2019

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Dec 6, 2019


Nov 13, 2019

date made

Dec 6, 2019


Nov 13, 2019

date specified (later of date made and in force date of S.N.S. 2018, c. 21)

Dec 6, 2019


Jan 1, 2020

date specified

Nov 22, 2019


Mar 4, 2020

date specified

Mar 27, 2020


Mar 22, 2020

date filed (order not dated)

Apr 10, 2020


May 27, 2020

date specified

Jun 19, 2020


May 27, 2020

date specified

Jun 19, 2020


Jun 17, 2020

date specified

Jul 3, 2020


Jul 8, 2020

date specified

Jul 31, 2020


Aug 11, 2020

date specified

Aug 28, 2020


Sep 3, 2020

date specified

Sep 25, 2020


Oct 8, 2020

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Oct 23, 2020


Nov 3, 2020

date specified

Nov 20, 2020


Dec 10, 2020

date specified

Jan 1, 2021


Mar 18, 2021

date specified

Apr 9, 2021


Apr 25, 2021

date specified

May 7, 2021


May 7, 2021

date specified

Jun 4, 2021


May 26, 2021

date specified

Jun 18, 2021


Jun 8, 2021

date specified

Jul 2, 2021


Jun 8, 2021

date specified

Jul 2, 2021


Nov 17, 2021

date specified

Dec 3, 2021


Nov 23, 2021

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Dec 3, 2021


Jan 28, 2022

date specified

Feb 11, 2022


Feb 4, 2022

date specified

Feb 25, 2022


Feb 17, 202213

date specified

Mar 11, 2022


Feb 17, 2022

date specified

Mar 11, 2022


Mar 10, 2022

date specified

Mar 25, 2022


Mar 10, 2022

date specified

Mar 25, 2022


Mar 10, 2022

date specified

Mar 25, 2022


Mar 28, 2022

date specified

Apr 22, 2022


Apr 14, 2022

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

May 6, 2022


May 30, 2022

date filed (not filed within 7 days)

Jun 17, 2022


Jul 6, 2022

date specified

Jul 15, 2022


Jul 6, 2022

date specified

Jul 15, 2022


Jul 6, 2022

date specified

Jul 15, 2022


Jul 6, 2022

date specified

Jul 15, 2022


Jul 6, 2022

date specified

Jul 29, 2022


Jul 20, 2022

date specified

Aug 12, 2022


Aug 10, 2022

date specified

Aug 26, 2022


Aug 10, 2022

date specified

Aug 26, 2022


Aug 10, 2022

date specified

Aug 26, 2022


Aug 25, 2022

date specified

Sep 9, 2022


Oct 19, 2022

date specified

Nov 4, 2022


Mar 1, 2023

date specified (in force date of S.N.S. 2022, c. 18)

Mar 10, 2023


May 31, 2023

date specified

Jun 16, 2023


Jul 5, 2023

date specified

Jul 28, 2023


Jul 3, 2023

date specified

Jul 28, 2023


Jul 3, 2023

date specified

Jul 28, 2023


Aug 30, 2023

date specified

Sep 22, 2023


Aug 30, 2023

date specified

Sep 22, 2023


Oct 24, 2023

date specified

Nov 17, 2023


Oct 24, 2023

date specified

Nov 17, 2023


Jan 17, 2024

date filed

Feb 9, 2024


May 13, 2024

date specified

May 31, 2024


May 13, 2024

date specified

May 31, 2024


Aug 27, 2024

date specified

Sep 6, 2024


Aug 27, 2024

date specified

Sep 6, 2024

The following regulations are not yet in force and are not included in the current consolidation:


In force

How in force

Royal Gazette
Part II Issue









*See subsection 3(6) of the Regulations Act for rules about in force dates of regulations.

Amendments by Provision

ad. = added
am. = amended

fc. = fee change
ra. = reassigned

rep. = repealed
rs. = repealed and substituted

Provision affected

How affected


am. 50/2012


ad. 50/2012


fc. 71/2013, 181/2015


fc. 71/2013, 181/2015


ad. 50/2012


am. 204/2018


ad. 204/2018


Schedule PT.....................................

am. 314/2011, 220/2013, fc. 339/2013, am. 109/2016, 131/2016, 32/2017, 25/2018, 97/2018, 50/2021, 97/2021, 176/2022, 196/202214, 197/2022

Schedule 1, Form A..........................

am. 50/2012

Schedule 1, Form B..........................

am. 339/2013, 274/2015; rs. 204/2018

Schedule 1, Form B-1......................

am. 118/2020

Schedule 3A.....................................

am. 157/2023

Schedule 4........................................

am. 314/2011, 103/2012, 270/2013, 103/2014, 113/2014, 75/2016, 109/2016, 150/2021, 178/2022

Schedule 4A.....................................

am. 24/2014, 75/2016, 109/2016, 128/2018, 185/2018, 5/2019, 83/2020, 182/2020, 26/2022, 158/2023, 193/2023

Schedule 5........................................

fc. 339/2013

Schedule 7........................................

rs. 87/2021; am. 9/2022, 16/2022

Schedule 9........................................

am. 34/2013

Schedule 9A.....................................

am. 98/2012, 34/2013, 92/2016, 108/2016, 83/2019, 171/2019, 172/2019, 128/2023, 19/2024

Schedule 11......................................

am. 192/2023

Schedule 12......................................

am. 94/2023

Schedule 12A...................................

am. 107/2022

Schedule 15A...................................

am. 51/2015, 100/2018

Schedule 16......................................

am. 152/2016

Schedule 19......................................

am. 339/2013, 274/2015

Schedule 20......................................

rs. 171/2018, 47/2023

Schedule 22......................................

rs. 224/2015

Schedule 37......................................

ad. 289/2011, fc. 339/2013

Schedule 38......................................

ad. 25/2012, am. 153/2014

Schedule 38A...................................

ad. 25/2012, rs. 153/2014

Schedule 39......................................

ad. 201/2012

Schedule 40......................................

ad. 91/2014

Schedules 41–41A............................

ad. 187/2014; rs. 190/2019

Schedule 42......................................

ad. 349/2015

Schedule 42A...................................

ad. 349/2015; am. 146/2020

Schedule 43–43A.............................

ad. 8/2016

Schedule 44......................................

ad. 143/2016

Schedule 45......................................

ad. 76/2017

Schedule 46......................................

ad. 171/2018

Schedule 47......................................

ad. 21/2019

Schedule 48......................................

ad. 37/2019

Schedule 48A...................................

ad. 37/2019

Schedule 49......................................

ad. 123/2019; am. 45/2020, 62/2021, 148/2021

Schedule 49A...................................

ad. 123/2019; rs. 73/2022

Schedule 50......................................

ad. 66/2022

Schedule M-1...................................

am. 257/2013; fc. 339/2013; am. 36/2015, 148/2016, 109/2017, 141/2018, 82/2020, 186/2024

Schedule M-2...................................

am. 24/2012, 112/2014; fc. 339/2013; am. 152/2016, 110/2017, 36/2019, 170/2020, 78/2021, 97/2021, 129/2023, 93/2024, 94/2024

Schedule M-3...................................

rs. 187/2022; am. 187/2024

Schedule M-5...................................

am. 194/2014, 243/2016, 240/2022

Schedule M-10.................................

am. 23/2012, 36/2014, 26/2015

Schedule M-11.................................

rs. 36/2014, am. 86/2019, 89/2020

Schedule M-12.................................

am. 27/2012, 35/2014; fc. 339/2013; am. 152/2017

Schedule M-13.................................

rs. 26/2012; fc. 339/2013

Schedule M-14.................................

am. 233/2014, 3/2015, 39/2020, 173/2022

Schedule M-15.................................

am. 22/2012, 68/2019, 98/2020, 174/2022

Schedule M-16.................................

rep. 187/2024

Schedule M-17.................................

am. 212/2015, 136/2018

Schedule M-19.................................

fc. 339/2013; am. 7/2017

Schedule M-20.................................

rep. 152/2017

Schedule M-21.................................

fc. 339/2013

Schedule M-22.................................

am. 131/2016, 36/2022

Schedule M-23.................................

am. 190/2018, 25/2022, 130/2023

Schedule M-26.................................

am. 37/2014, 187/2019

Schedule M-27.................................

am. 165/2016, 47/2018, 148/2018, 189/2019, 105/2020

Schedule M-28.................................

am. 175/2022

Schedule M-29.................................

ad. 30/2012

Schedule M-30.................................

ad. 37/2014

Schedule M-31.................................

ad. 132/2016

Schedule M-32.................................

ad. 33/2018

Schedule M-33.................................

ad. 40/2018; am. 224/2018

Schedule M-34.................................

ad. 129/2018

Schedule M-35.................................

ad. 96/2021

Schedule M-36.................................

ad. 37/2022

Schedule M-37.................................

ad. 38/2022

Schedule M-38.................................

ad. 195/2022; am. 202/2022

All out of court settlement amounts

fc. 339/2013 increased by $6.54 and $1.93 (parking infractions), 274/2015 increased by $3.55 and $1.05 (parking infractions)



Note that changes to headings are not included in the above table.

Editorial Notes and Corrections:





The references to “EMO” in item 2 of Schedule 7 in the original text should be read as a reference to the Department of Justice in accordance with O.I.C. 2011-147 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376, which abolishes the Emergency Management Office and transfers responsibility for emergency management.

Apr 19, 2011 (change predates base regulations)


Second clause 11A(1)(b) added by N.S. Reg. 50/2012 relettered as (c) for purposes of consolidation.

Feb 22, 2012


Second subsection 11B(2) added by N.S. Reg. 50/2012 renumbered as (4) for purposes of consolidation.

Feb 22, 2012


The reference to “EMO” in item 2 of Schedule 7 should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in accordance with O.I.C. 2014-71 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376, which transfers responsibility for emergency management.

Apr 1, 2014


Items 23, 24 and 25 of Schedule 42A added by N.S. Reg. 349/2015 are effective as of 18 months after October 26, 2015 (the in-force date of the Aquaculture Management Regulations, N.S. Reg. 348/2015).

Apr 26, 2018


References to the Minister of Natural Resources should be read as references to the Minister of Lands and Forestry in accordance with O.I.C. 2018-188 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Jul 5, 2018


The reference to “EMO” in item 2 of Schedule 7 should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2019-150 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Jun 3, 2019


References to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal should be read as references to the Department of Transportation and Active Transit in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-56 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Feb 23, 2021


The reference to “EMO” in item 2 of Schedule 7 should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-58 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Feb 23, 2021


References to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal should be read as references to the Department of Public Works in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-209 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021


The reference to “EMO” in item 2 of Schedule 7 should be read as a reference to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-209 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021


References to the Minister of Natural Resources should be read as references to the Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables in accordance with O.I.C. 2021-210 under the Public Service Act, R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 376.

Aug 31, 2021


Order incorrectly states the date of the Minister’s signature as February 17, 2021. The correct date is February 17, 2022, in accordance with Minister Johns’ appointment as Minister of Justice on August 31, 2021.



Amending instructions in N.S. Reg. 196/2022 specify amendments to Schedule PT should be inserted immediately before the heading “Queens Regional Municipality Parking Lot By-law”, which does not exist. Amendments inserted immediately before the heading “Queens Regional Municipality Parking Meter By-law” for the purposes of this consolidation.


Repealed and Superseded:



In force



Regulations respecting Summary Offence Tickets

Feb 28, 1985

Jan 18, 2001


Summary Offence Tickets Regulations

Jan 18, 2001

Oct 4, 2011

Note: Only regulations that are specifically repealed and replaced appear in this table. It may not reflect the entire history of regulations on this subject matter.