Programs and Services for Seniors
Programs and Services for Seniors

These Community Services programs and resources apply specifically to seniors. Be sure to talk to you caseworker about other programs and services that may be helpful.
- How Community Services workers help you
A caseworker's role is to help connect you with the programs, services and supports that best suit your needs. - Property Tax Rebate Program
This is a program for seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement. - Protection For Persons in Care
Under this Act, abuse may be physical, psychological, emotional, sexual, neglect, theft or medical abuse. - Wheelchair Recycling Program
Wheelchairs for children and adults with a net family income that falls within program guidelines. - Personal Directives Act (on the Department of Justice site)
This act enables Nova Scotians to document their wishes regarding what personal care decisions are made for them in the event that they are unable to make these decisions themselves. See also the DCS Service Provider Sample Forms.
Be sure to talk to you caseworker about other programs and services that may be helpful.