Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada
Natural Resources and Renewables


Home Study Course Evaluation Form

Section A:

Please indicate the number of the Home Study Module that you are evaluating.

1   1a   2     3     4    5     6   7     8    9   10a   10b 11 12 13

1. Please rate the following questions from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)

  How do you rate the module?
  How easy was it to understand the information?
  How useful was the information?
  How well did the quizzes reinforce the information presented in the module?

2. How could the module be improved?

  1. More illustrations
  2. Text boxes
  3. Less detail
  4. Fine the way it is
  5. More detail
  6. Multiple choice quizzes

3. Will this module help you with future woodlot activities?

Definitely Somewhat Average Very little No

If this is the first module that you have evaluated in this series, please answer questions 4 to 7 (Section B) before requesting another module.
If you have evaluated other modules in the series, skip to"Section C "  to request another module.

Section B.

4. Would you like to receive a copy of our "Woodlot Education Newsletter" ?
It includes information about woodlot field days or seminars on woodlot management ?
(Available only to residents of Nova Scotia and non-residents who own land in Nova Scotia)

 Yes     No

5. How much work was done on your woodlot before you requested this module?

A lot    Some    Very little    None

6. How did you learn about the Home Study Course series?

Internet     Newspaper     Letter     Word of Mouth     Radio

Other (please specify)

Section C:

If you would like to order another Module please select from the list below.

Introduction - Getting More from Your Woodlot
Module 1 - Introduction to Silviculture
Module 2 - Harvesting Systems
Module 3 - Thinning for Value
Module 4 - Woodlots and Wildlife
Module 5 - Stand Establishment
Module 6 - Chain Saw Use and Safety
Module 7 - Woodlot Ecology
Module 8 - Wood Utilization and Technology
Module 9 - Woodlot Recreation
Module 10A - Managing Woodlot Finances: Planning and Investment Guide
Module 10B - Introduction to Woodlot - Income Tax and Estate Planning
Module 11 - Roads and Trails
Module 12 - Small Scale Harvesting Equipment
Module 13 - Non Timber Forest Products

First Name:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Street Address/RR


Please Note: The personal information you provide usedsolely for the purposes of providing you the Home Study.It is not kept, distributed or used for any other purpose.

Other Comments

Click Here if You have participated On-line With us Before.