Forests & Woodlands



Nova Scotia's forests are a main-
stay of life. While the requirement to provide wood fibre to support our forest economy is still a primary concern, there is a need to sustain the quality and character of our forest resource and maintain a varied forest ecosystem.
Therein lies our challenge...

Forest Protection


The Forest Protection branch's mission is to maintain the health of Nova Scotia's woodlands by protecting them from pests and fires.

The Department maintains seasonal forest fire fighter crews during the mid-April to mid-October period in order to be enhance the Province's response to forest fires. Fire crew staff are required to maintain a high level of fitness in order to perform this work.

Clearance Form - NR&R Fire Fighter Fitness Test



Sound forestry practices can be enhanced by making informed decisions based on best management practices knowledge. NR&R supports all efforts towards sustainable stewardship of our natural resources, and provide opportunities to woodland owners to learn, share, and exchange various woodlot management techniques through our woodlot education programs that include a free Woodlot Management Home Study Program, Woodland Owner of the Year Award, Woodlot Owner Conferences, and Winter/Evening Courses.