Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada
Natural Resources and Renewables


Module 13: Non Timber Forest Products:Growing Opportunities


1. Wildcrafting is:

a) Making crafts from wild products
b) Taking products from your neighbours' lands
c) Boating down a dangerous river
d) Gathering wild products from the land

2. Fiddleheads are best picked when:

a) They are still tightly coiled
b) After the first frost
c) Their leaves have expanded
d) They are still below ground

3. Blueberries contain the largest amounts of antioxidants in their:

a) leaves
b) pulp
c) seeds
d) skin

4. The ratio of sugar maple sap to maple syrup average about:

a) 100:1
b) 60:1
c) 40:1
d) 20:1

5. Chanterelle mushrooms are usually found:

a) in cow pastures
b) on trunks of dead trees
c) on the forest floor
d) in roadside ditches

6. The largest exporter of wild mushrooms in Canada is:

a) Newfoundland and Labrador
b) Nova Scotia
c) Nunavut
d) British Columbia

7. Highbush cranberries (Viburnum sp.) are members of:

a) Blueberry Family
b) Cranberry Family
c) Liverwort Family
d) Honeysuckle Family