Mining is very important to the economy of Nova Scotia and exploration - prospecting - is the essential first step in finding mineral deposits that could someday be mined. Prospecting can be challenging work and the odds of making a discovery that goes on to be a productive mine are slim. However, for persons that enjoy working outdoors, prospecting provides a fascinating activity with the potential to realize significant economic benefit.
The province, the Mining Association of Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Prospectors Association worked together to develop a basic education program for prospectors, which begins on the next page of this website.
This program is provided for information purposes only. It is your responsibility to ensure that safe work practices are followed and proper safety equipment is used while prospecting, and that all laws and regulations are obeyed. We also recommend that you acquire some wilderness skills such as map reading, orienteering, GPS technology and first aid since a lot of exploration takes place in remote areas.