News release

Province Seeks Members for Goods and Services Accessibility Standard Committee


As the Province works toward its goal of an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030, work is set to begin on the next accessibility standard.

Applications are now open for membership on the Goods and Services Standard Development Committee. The committee will assist the Accessibility Advisory Board with making recommendations on the content and implementation of a standard for equitable access to goods and services.

“We look forward to having interested Nova Scotians join this committee to advance the goods and services accessibility standard,” said Justice Minister Brad Johns, Minister responsible for the Accessibility Act.

The goal is to implement a standard to prevent and remove barriers to the delivery and receipt of goods and services for people with disabilities and deaf and/or neurodivergent people. Barriers may include:

  • stereotypes and assumptions about people with disabilities (attitudinal barriers)
  • physical barriers to delivering and receiving goods and services
  • inaccessible websites or signs.

The deadline for applications is December 4.

Quick Facts:

  • Nova Scotians who may apply to be on the committee include: people with disabilities; representatives of organizations representing people with disabilities; and representatives of organizations likely to be affected by the standard, including businesses, universities, municipalities, and not-for-profit organizations
  • other standard development committees that have been established since 2019 addressed education, the built environment and employment
  • future standard development committees will address information and communication, and transportation
  • the Province’s accessibility strategy, Access by Design 2030, outlines how the government achieves an accessible province by providing persons with disabilities with equitable access to programs, services, information and infrastructure

Additional Resources:

The application form and more information about the Goods and Services Standards Development Committee are available at:

Nova Scotia’s Accessibility Directorate:

Access by Design 2030: