Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada


Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking Water Highlights

Drinking Water Interpretation Tool - An interactive site for evaluating the results of your water quality test.


On October 17, 2002, the Province of Nova Scotia released a comprehensive drinking water strategy. As stated in the Minister's message, the success of the strategy rests on the ability of all the stakeholders to work together effectively in the delivery of safe, clean drinking water to all Nova Scotians. The final report, outlining completion of the action plan deliverables, was released in September 2005.

Private Wells – Information for private well owners related to well construction, water testing, and maintaining a water supply

Public Drinking Water – Information for owners of public water supplies to assist them with providing safe water to the public

Drinking Water Quality and Treatment – Information pertaining to drinking water quality in Nova Scotia

Boil Water Advisories – Information pertaining to public drinking water supplies that are under a boil water advisory.