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Department of Justice

Minor's (Firearm) Possession Only Licence

Who Needs This Licence?

Anyone who is at least 12 years old but not yet 18, and who wants to carry or use a firearm for purposes of hunting, target-shooting, etc.

It is illegal for minors to acquire (by purchase or gift), own or possess firearms in Canada; however, this licence allows a minor to carry or use a gun under the supervision of an adult.

Note: a minor can hunt with an adult without this licence under certain special conditions (see Additional Information, below).

Issuing Department / Agency:
  Justice Canada (Approved by N.S. Department of Justice , Provincial Firearms Office)
Where can you get this Licence and / or further information?
  Canadian Firearms Centre:  Call toll-free at:  1-800-731-4000


Nova Scotia Provincial Firearms Office
Public Safety and Security Division
N.S. Department of Justice



902-424-6689 / 1-800-731-4000 extension 6505





PO Box 7
Halifax, NS  B3J 2L6




Application Forms & Process:
  You can get an application form from the office listed above.

A Minor must have a Canadian Firearms Safety Course Test Certificate in order to apply.

The completed application form is mailed in, along with the appropriate fee (see Price, below). 

Both the minor and one parent or guardian must sign the application form. Also, one piece of ID for the minor is required. (For example, a copy of a birth certificate, or baptismal certificate, N.S. Photo ID card, etc.)

Up to 5 adults can be identified on the Minor's Licence as persons with whom the minor may go hunting.

Waiting Period:
  Unlike the Possession & Acquisition Licence, there is no mandatory 28-day waiting period after this licence has been approved. Once the application has been processed, if all requirements are met and it is approved, the licence will be sent to the applicant by mail.
Expiry & Renewal:
  This licence is valid for 1,2 or 3 years from the date it is issued. Once it expires, it is invalid and (if appropriate) the minor must get a new licence.
Price & Payment:  (No tax is charged)
  1 year $10
2 years $20
3 years $30

Send a money order, or a cheque made out to the Receiver General of Canada.

Related Requirements:
  1. The holder of a Minor's Licence must have passed the Nova Scotia Hunter Safety Course if they are hunting . (And if they are carrying a gun in a wildlife habitat during the hunting season, they are presumed to be hunting).
  2. [For information on that Hunter Education Course, see Firearm Hunting Certificate ]

  3. When a minor is hunting, they may be asked to produce:
  1. an appropriate N.S. Hunting Licence;
    [See listings for various hunting licences under the N.S. Department of Natural Resources.]

  2. a Minor's Possession Only Licence; and,

  4. a Hunter Education Course Certificate [card].
Additional Information:
  When a minor is hunting, or carrying a firearm in any wildlife habitat, the following rules apply:
  1. A Minor's Licence is not required when the minor is under "direct and immediate" supervision, that is to say, one gun being shared by two persons -- one person being the minor and one the adult supervisor (someone 18 years or older), that holds a valid Firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence.
  2. A Minor's Licence is required when the minor is under "general" supervision, that is to say, the adult supervisor and the minor are each carrying a gun [two persons and two guns... . (Note: the Minor must at all times stay within sight and hearing distance of the adult supervisor.)
  3. The final deadline for complying with the requirement to have this licence was January 1, 2001. As of that date, all firearms owners and users in Canada must have a firearm licence.
  4. For information on the Canadian Firearms Act and its Regulations, visit the Canadian Firearms Centre website, or call this toll-free number: 1-800-731-4000.
Legislative Authority:
  Wildlife Act, Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989, Chapter 504

Criminal Code of Canada, Part III

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