Protection for Persons in Care

The Protection for Persons in Care Act is an extra safeguard from abuse for residents 16 years of age and older who are residing in homes for special care under the Homes for Special Care Act. Protection for Persons in Care activities are aimed at protecting individuals through intervention after abuse or neglect has occurred.

The Protection for Persons in Care unit is responsible for inquiring into and investigating allegations of abuse and to issue directives to the administrators of homes for special care to protect residents from further abuse.

The Protection for Persons in Care Act requires administrators of homes for special care (including staff and volunteers) to promptly report all allegations or instances of abuse. Abuse may be:


Related information

Contact information

For further information or to register a concern, contact us by phone: 1-844-896-2494 or email:
To report a potential incident of abuse of a person in a home for special care, call 1-800-225-7225.