Thank you for being a part of shaping Nova Scotia’s First Sexual Violence Strategy.
The Nova Scotia government wants to hear from everyone who has been impacted by sexual violence or has a desire to create positive change -- victims, survivors, parents and family members, educators, health care professionals, advocates, concerned citizens and community members.
We want to hear from you. About what is working well now to help victims of sexual violence and what needs to improve.
You can complete the online survey or print a paper copy by clicking on the link below and mailing it to us.
So that we know a bit about who is completing the survey, you are required to complete questions_________. Otherwise all questions are optional. You can skip any question that you do not want to answer. Answers can be changed at any time.
This survey is anonymous.There is no way for anyone to contact you or identify you from the answers you provide. We are not collecting names and ask that you do not send us your name, your address or any information that could identify who you are.
This survey is also focused solely on helping us to shape the Sexual Violence Strategy. If you need immediate help to deal with sexual violence in your life please contact ___________________
To submit a paper copy of this survey, print, complete and mail to:
Nova Scotia Department of Community Services
ATTN: Sexual Violence Strategy