Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association (SASA)
(902) 863-6221
The Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and SASA provides services to individual women and adolescent girls that include crisis and ongoing problem-solving support, information, advocacy, accompaniment and referral. Services and programs are designed to provide a comprehensive approach to problem solving and are delivered in a manner that promotes self-awareness, independence, and individual decision-making.
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre
(902) 422-4240
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre provides services for those affected by sexualized violence, with primary emphasis on support, education, counseling and leadership/advocacy services for women.
Colchester Sexual Assault Centre
(902) 897-4366
The Colchester Sexual Assault Centre (CSAC) is a non-profit, community based organization dedicated to strengthening and empowering survivors of adult sexual assault (ASA) and/or child sexual abuse (CSA) who are aged 16 and over. All programs and services are equally available to all genders.
This page is not intended as support for victims and survivors. If you are a victim of sexual violence please contact a service provider located above. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.