The Public Trustee is committed to the proper administration of estates of deceased persons, incompetent persons, children, and missing persons. It is also committed to provide informed consents for health care, placement to a continuing care home or home care services using an approach that is client-centred, respectful of human rights and freedoms, and in the client’s best interests if prior wishes, values, and beliefs are not known.
The Public Trustee of Nova Scotia is independent of government. It is set up as a corporation to protect the financial and personal well-being of its clients, and offers a wide range of unique services. Its authority is set out in several provincial laws.
The Public Trustee may do any of the following:
The Public Trustee will not do any of the following:
The Public Trustee follows these principles in all its dealings with clients: all information remains confidential, and all clients are treated with the greatest respect. The Public Trustee follows the standards of practice, the common law, and the statutory principles when it makes decisions on behalf of its clients.
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