Labour Board - About the Board

The Labour Board is an independent adjudicative body established under the Labour Board Act. The Board is responsible for the fair and efficient administration and adjudication of responsibilities assigned to it under the Labour Board Act and sections of other Acts and Regulations.


Labour Board Composition

Labour Board panels are typically composed of a neutral Chair or Vice-Chair, and an equal number of members who represent employers or employees. In some cases a panel may be composed of one-person.

The Labour Board has a full-time Chair. The Chair, Vice-Chairs, and members of the Labour Board are appointed by the Governor in Council. The Vice-Chairs and members serve on a part-time basis. While members have generally gained their knowledge and experience from backgrounds in either labour or management, they swear to deal with the matters before them with utmost impartiality as part of their oath of office.

Biographies of Members of the Labour Board