Government of Nova Scotia Government of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia, Canada
Natural Resources and Renewables


Natural Resources - Healthy Forests


Nova Scotia ForestsThe province's commitment to healthy forests and a healthy forest industry is being supported by an additional $5-million investment to address the economic impact of reducing clearcutting to 50% over the next five years. The investment includes funding for added outreach efforts and silviculture to make wood harvesting more attractive to small, private woodlot owners in the province.

The province’s focus on reducing clearcutting and re-engaging with small, private woodlot owners is supported by an economic impact analysis prepared by internationally recognized specialists on the forestry industry, Woodbridge Associates.

The commissioned report recommends the province take measures, such as the $5-million investment, to help ease the forestry sector’s transition toward the province’s clearcutting reduction target. The report also makes it clear that small private woodlot owners play a key role in the supply of wood fibre for the forest industry.

Download the Woodbridge Associates report

Supporting documents:
Woodbridge Wood Supply Scenarios - Clearcut Harvest Policy Analysis

Non-Industrial Private Non-Participation Scenarios - Crown Lands Forest Model Online Reporting and Statistics for Potential Wood Supply