This is to advise that on August 12, 2010 Municipal Enterprises Ltd. registered the Hants County Aggregate Quarry Extension Project for environmental assessment, in accordance with Part IV of the Environment Act.
Municipal Enterprises Limited (MEL) owns and operates a quarry, located at 700 Panuke Road in Three Mile Plains, Hants County, Nova Scotia, called the Panuke Quarry. MEL is currently proposing to purchase and extend an adjacent quarry, the Hants County Aggregate Quarry, and incorporate its operations as a component of the existing Panuke Quarry by amending their existing Approval permit.
The current operation at Hants County Aggregates is 3.9 hectares (ha) in area. The proposed extension of the existing Hants County Aggregates Quarry will incorporate land north, south and southwest of the existing quarry to increase the total size of the operation to approximately 13.9 ha. Proposed quarry activities (i.e. production levels, blasting and truck traffic) will be consistent with current quarry operations.
Minister's Decision
On October 1, 2010 the Minister of Environment released a decision (PDF:96k) concerning this review. The Minister has decided to approve the undertaking in accordance with Section 13(1)b of the Environmental Assessment Regulations, pursuant to Part IV of the Environment Act. The undertaking has been approved subject to a number of conditions (PDF:58k).
Project Documents
- Minister's Decision (PDF:96k)
- Terms and Conditions (PDF:58k)
- Public Notice (PDF:16k)
Registration Document
- Final Report (PDF:1.3mb)
- Final Report (compiled) (PDF:6.4mb)
- Figure 1 - Project Location (PDF:389k)
- Figure 2 - Land Classification (PDF:309k)
- Figure 3 - Sensitive Areas (PDF:330k)
- Figure 4 - Surficial Geology (PDF:230k)
- Figure 5 - Bedrock Geology (PDF:258k)
- Appendix A - Registry of Joint Stocks and Industrial Approval (PDF:503k)
- Appendix B - Hydrology Study (PDF:700k)
- Appendix C - Project Information Bulletin and Letters (PDF:500k)
- Appendix D - Aquatic Photo Appendix (PDF:3.6mb)
- Appendix E - Vascular Plants Potentially Present the Study Area (PDF:31k)
- Appendix F - Vascular Plants Recorded in the Study Area (PDF:48k)
- Appendix G - Breeding and Population Status of Birds ... (PDF:35k)
- Appendix H - Response to Government Review Comments (PDF:90k)
Opportunities for Public Input
Public comments on the Registration Document were accepted until September 11, 2010.
Comments received, including any personal information, will be made available to the public from the Department of Environment and Climate Change library, 5th floor, Halifax Office (5151 Terminal Rd.).