- Litter Lookout: Summary of 2008 Litter Study (PDF:1.6mb)
- A Characterization of Nova Scotian Litter: 2008 Litter Survey (PDF:583k)
- Adopt-A-Highway Program
- EPRA Nova Scotia
- Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP-Cape Breton)
- Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation
- Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
- Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP)
- Clean Nova Scotia
- Container Recycling Institute
- Eco-Efficiency Centre
- Ecology Action Centre
- Electronic Product Stewardship Canada
- Environment Canada
- Environmental Services Association Nova Scotia (ESANS)
- Nova Scotia Environmental Network (NSEN)
- Plant A Row. Grow A Row
- Recyclemycell.ca
- Reduce Your Waste
- Divert NS
- The Composting Council of Canada
- The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation
- Waste Resource Association of Nova Scotia
- Waste Resource Management International