Record of Revision - 300 Common Services

This Record of Revisions identifies the most recent revisions to the 300 Common Services manual. If you would like to receive notification of updates, please join our listserv.

Date Posted to the Web Chapter Policy Description of Change

23 August 2023

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.11 Postal Services

Administrative updates.

23 August 2023

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.11 Privacy Policy

Administrative updates.

8 December 2022

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.7 Regulatory Management Policy

Policy repealed.

12 October 2022

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.3 Fire Safety

Policy reviewed. No changes.

5 October 2022

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.2 Solicitor-Client Privilege Policy

Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

5 October 2022

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.1 Approval and Aquisition of Private Legal Services

Policy reviewed. No changes.

29 September 2022

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.13 Business Continuity Policy

New policy effective September 28, 2022.

3 August 2022

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.10 Information Management Policy

Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

5 May 2022

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.13 Gifts and Awards

Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

24 February 2022

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.12 Hospitality Policy

Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

24 February 2022 Chapter 6: Communications 6.2 Internal Printing Policy reviewed and administrative updates.
24 February 2022 Chapter 6: Communications 6.3 External Printing Policy reviewed and administrative updates.
14 February 2022 Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements 7.10 Purchase and Use of Bottled Water Policy Policy reviewed and administrative updates.
14 February 2022 Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements 7.11 Anti-Idling Policy Policy reviewed and administrative updates.
11 January 2022 Chapter 3: Government Services 3.7 Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets) Policy reviewed and administrative updates.
7 January 2022 Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services 4.1 Records Management Policy Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

7 January 2022

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.3 Open Data Policy

Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

7 January 2022

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.9 Citizen Online Identity Authentication Policy

Policy reviewed and administrative updates.

23 September 2021

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.17 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

23 August 2021

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.4 Use of Government Aircraft

Policy reviewed and amended.

1 April 2021

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.5 Major Events Hosting/Support Policy

Appendix 7C updated.

17 March 2021

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.5 Major Events Hosting/Support Policy

Policy reviewed, and amended to align with the Nova Scotia Event Strategy.

30 September 2016

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Sustainable Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and References (URLs)  amended. 

24 November 2020 Chapter 3: Government Services 3.8 Real Property Disposal Policy Enquiries Section - Department names updated.
29 October 2019 Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services 4.8 Wide Area Network Security Policy Policy reviewed and amended.

28 August 2019

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

Policy reviewed. Department name updated.

28 August 2019

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.5 Inventory Control


Policy reviewed and amended. Department name updated.

11 June 2019

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

Policy reviewed, no change.

11 June 2019


Chapter 3: Government Services

3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide

Policy reviewed, no change.

11 June 2019

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.3 Accommodations Rental Policy


Policy reviewed, no change.

30 May 2019

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.3 Fire Safety

Policy reviewed. No changes.

16 May 2019

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Compensation for Use of Personal Vehicles (Members of Executive Council and Leaders of the Opposition Parties)

Policy reviewed and amended.

(Housekeeping updates)

Enquiries title updated and URLs updated.

2 May 2019 Chapter 3: Government Services 3.8 Real Property Disposal Policy Enquiries Section - Department names updated.
2 May 2019 Chapter 3: Government Services 3.17 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Policy Appendix 3D - Departmental names updated.
10 April 2019 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Policy reviewed and amended.
21 September 2018 Chapter 6: Communications Services 6.3 External Printing Policy reviewed and amended.
21 September 2018 Chapter 3: Government Services 3.16 Mobile Wireless Device Policy Policy reviewed and amended.
8 May 2018 Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services 4.11 Privacy Policy
(effective April 3, 2008 to May 7, 2018)
This policy replaced by new Privacy Policy effective May 8, 2018

28 February 2018

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.12 Information Sharing Policy (new)

New Policy effective May 1, 2018

22 November 2017

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.11 Privacy Policy (new)

New Policy effective May 8, 2018

22 November 2017

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.11 Privacy Policy (current)

Expiry date added: May 7, 2018

22 November 2017

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.7 Website Privacy Policy (current)

Expiry date added: May 7, 2018

8 February 2017

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.8 Government Brand Policy

(Formerly 6.8 Visual Identity Program)

Policy reviewed, renamed and amended.

8 November 2016

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.7 Co-Publishing

Policy reviewed and amended.

8 November 2016

Chapter 6: Communications

6.9 Social Media Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

19 October 2016

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.3 Fire Safety

Policy reviewed and amended.

7 October 2016

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.10 Purchase and Use of Bottled Water Policy

Policy reviewed. No change.

30 September 2016

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Sustainable Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and amended. Approved by Treasury and Policy Board.

30 September 2016

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.4 Use of Government Aircraft

Policy reviewed. No change.

9 September 2016

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.2 Solicitor-Client Privilege Policy

Policy reviewed. No change.

9 September 2016

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.6 Management of Cabinet-in-Confidence Records During a Transition of Government

Policy reviewed. No change.

1 March 2016 Chapter 7: Other Policies 7.12 Hospitality Policy New Policy.
5 February 2016 Chapter 4: Informaiton and Records Management Services 4.3 Open Data Policy New Policy.
7 January 2016 Chapter 3: Government Services 3.17 Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance Policy New Policy.
10 November 2015 Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services 4.3 Guidelines for the Use of the Internet Policy repealed.

10 November 2015

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.10 Stationery Services Policy

Policy repealed.

29 October 2015

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

5 October 2015

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.4  Accommodation and Furniture Standards Policy

Policy reviewed. Department name updated.

5 October 2015

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.5 Inventory Control


Policy reviewed. Department name updated.

5 October 2015

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

Policy reviewed. Department name updated.

5 October 2015

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.7 Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets)


Policy reviewed. Department name updated.

3 September 2015

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.16 Mobile Wireless Device Policy

Policy reviewed - no changes.

12 August 2015

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.11 Anti-idling Policy

Policy reviewed - no changes.

5 August 2015

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

Policy reviewed - no changes.

5 August 2015

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.1 Approval and Acquisition of Private Legal Services

Policy reviewed - no changes.

24 April 2015

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Policy reviewed and amended.

30 July 2014

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.8 Real Property Disposal Policy

Policy reviewed and contact information amended.

3 July 2014

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Compensation for Use of Personal Vehicles (Members of Executive Council and Leaders of the Opposition Parties)

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 May 2014

Chapter 6: Communications

6.9 Social Media Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

16 December 2013

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.4 Advertising Policy

Policy rescinded. New Policy posted.

31 October 2013

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.5 Access to Information Requests


Policy reviewed and amended.

21 October 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.8 Exportable Government Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 October 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.9 Engaging with Foreign Governments Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 September 2013

Chapter 6: Communications

6.1 Communications Policy/Protocol

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 August 2013

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 August 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.7 Regulatory Management Policy

Policy reviewed. No change.

27 August 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.10 Purchase and Use of Bottled Water Policy

Policy reviewed. No change.

1 May 2013 Entire Manual All Policies History Tables and Page Footers revised.

1 May 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.6 Provincial Property Film Location Requests and Activity

Policy renumbered from 7.7.

1 May 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.7 Regulatory Management Policy

Policy renumbered from 7.8.

1 May 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.8 Exportable Government Services

Policy renumbered from 7.9

1 May 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.9 Engaging with Foreign Governments Policy

Policy renumbered from 7.10

1 May 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.10 Purchase and Use of Bottled Water Policy

Policy renumbered from 7.11

1 May 2013

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.11 Anti-idling Policy

Policy renumbered from 7.12

11 February, 2013 Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services 4.8 Wide Area Network Security Policy Policy reviewed and amended.

15 June 2012

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.2 Solicitor-Client Privilege Policy

New Policy.

8 June 2012

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.6 Environmental Management Policy

Policy repealed.

29 May 2012


Chapter 3: Government Services

3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide

Policy reviewed and amended (administrative changes).

10 February 2012

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.11 Privacy Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

9 January 2012

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.6 Management of Cabinet-in-Confidence Records During a Transition of Government

Policy reviewed and amended (revised and renamed).

9 January 2012

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.7 Website Privacy Policy

4.8 Wide Area Network Security Policy

4.9 Citizen Online Identity Authentication Policy

4.10 Information Management Policy

4.11 Privacy Policy

Pages renumbered.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.2 Internal Printing

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.3 External Printing

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.5 Creative Credit Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

28 November 2011

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.7 Co-Publishing

Policy reviewed and amended.

28 November 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.12 Building Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

28 November 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Sustainable Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

2 November 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.9 Parking Policy

3.11 Postal Services

Policy reviewed - no changes.

26 October 2011

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.1 Approval and Acquisition of Private Legal Services

Policy reviewed - no changes.

21 October 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide

3.3 Accommodations Rental Policy

3.5 Inventory Control

3.7 Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets)

3.10 Stationery Services

3.15 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Policy

Policies reviewed, no change.

13 October 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.14 Departmental Security Officers Policy

Policy reviewed, no change.

7 October 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.13 Gifts and Awards

Policy reviewed and amended.

7 October 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

Policy reviewed, no change.

30 September 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

7.12 Anti-idling Policy

New Policy.

10 August 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.16 Mobile Wireless Device Policy

New Policy.

3 June 2011

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.4  Accommodation and Furniture Standards Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

22 October 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

22 September 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policies

7.8 Regulatory Management Policy

New Policy.

1 September 2010

Chapter 6: Communications

6.9 Social Media Policy

New Policy.

25 August 2010

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

Policy reviewed, and amended (Provincial Finance Act reference changed to Finance Act).

22 June 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.7 Provincial Property Film Location Requests and Activity

Policy reviewed and amended.

2 June 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.11 Purchase and Use of Bottled Water Policy

New Policy.

3 May 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.10 Engaging with Foreign Governments Policy

New Policy.

3 May 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.9 Exportable Government Services

New Policy.

18 March 2010

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Policy reviewed and amended.

5 March 2010

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.8 Wide Area Network Security Policy

Policy reviewed and amended to correct the "Effective date".

1 March 2010

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.9 Citizen Online Identity Authentication Policy

4.10 Information Management Policy

4.11 Privacy Policy

Pages renumbered.

1 March 2010

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.8 Wide Area Network Security Policy

New policy, reviewed and amended.

1 March 2010

Chapter 6: Communications

6.1 Communications Policy/Protocol

Policy reviewed and amended.

28 January 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.6 Environmental Management Policy

Policy reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

28 January 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.5 Major Events Hosting/Support Policy

Policy reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

28 January 2010

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.9 Citizen Online Identity Authentication Policy

Policy reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

28 January 2010

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.7 Website Privacy Policy

Policy reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

28 January 2010

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.5 Access to Information Requests

Previously named "Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Requests"

Policy renamed, reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

28 January 2010

Chapter 4 Information and Records Management Services

4.1 Records Management Policy

Policy reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

20 January 2010

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Compensation for Use of Personal Vehicles (Elected Officials)

Policy reviewed, and amended to reflect dept name changes pursuant to the proclamation of the Public Service Act.

14 December 2009

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.6 Disposal of Cabinet Documents during the Transition of Government

Policy reviewed, no change.

26 August 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Sustainable Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and amended (including name change).

26 August 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide

3.3 Accommodations Rental Policy

3.4  Accommodation and Furniture Standards Policy

3.5 Inventory Control

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

3.7 Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets)

3.8 Real Property Disposal Policy

3.9 Parking Policy

3.10 Stationery Services

3.11 Postal Services

3.12 Building Services

3.13 Gifts and Awards

3.14 Departmental Security Officers Policy

3.15 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Policy

Pages renumbered.


30 July 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Compensation for Use of Personal Vehicles (Elected Officials)

Policy reviewed, renamed, and amended. All "lease" references removed; form appended.

30 July 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

7.3 Fire Safety

Pages renumbered.

30 July 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.4 Crown Land Information Management Centre

Policy removed.

30 July 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.4 Use of Government Aircraft

Policy renumbered from 7.7.

30 July 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.5 Major Events Hosting/Support Policy

7.6 Environmental Management Policy

Pages renumbered.

30 July 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.7 Provincial Property Film Location Requests and Activity

Policy renumbered from 7.8.

19 June 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.10 Stationery Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

6 April 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.11 Postal Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.3 Accommodations Rental Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3 - Government Services

3.4  Accommodation and Furniture Standards Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.5 Inventory Control

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.7 Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets)

Formerly Acquisitions and Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets)

Policy reviewed, renamed, and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.9 Parking Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

31 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.12 Building Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

12 March 2009

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.3 Fire Safety

Policy reviewed and amended.

10 March 2009

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.13 Gifts and Awards

Policy reviewed and amended.

26 February 2009

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.1 Approval and Acquisition of Private Legal Services

Policy reviewed - no changes.

26 January 2009

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction

Policy reviewed; no change.

15 December 2008

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Acquisition/Lease of Vehicles

Policy reviewed and amended.

3 November 2008

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.15 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Policy

New Policy.

24 September 2008

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.10 Information Management Policy

New Policy.

24 June 2008

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.8 Provincial Property Film Location Requests and Activity

New Policy.

9 June 2008

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.11 Privacy Policy

New Policy.

4 April 2008

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.7 Co-Publishing

Policy reviewed and amended.

26 March 2008

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

Policy revised to reflect Department of Economic Development (name change).

27 December 2007

Chapter 1: Introduction

1 Introduction

Policy reviewed; no change.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.1 Communications Policy/Protocol

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.2 Internal Printing

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.3 External Printing

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.4 Advertising Policy

Policy reviewed, no change .

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.5 Creative Credit Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.6 Internet Content Policy

Policy reviewed, no change.

21 December 2007

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.8 Visual Identity Program

Policy reviewed, no change.

22 November 2007

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.2 Vehicle Policy

New Policy.

16 November 2007

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

30 October 2007

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.7 Use of Government Aircraft

Policy renumbered from 7.2. Policy reviewed and amended.

29 October 2007

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.6 Disposal of Cabinet Documents during the Transition of Government

Policy reviewed, no change.

21 September 2007

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Acquisition/Lease of Vehicles

New Policy.

28 August 2007

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.14 Departmental Security Officers Policy

New Policy.

1 August 2007

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.9 Citizen Online Identity Authentication Policy

New Policy.

26 April 2007

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Acquisition/Lease of Vehicles

Policy removed. New policy to follow.

1 August 2006

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.13 Gifts and Awards

Policy relocated from Management Manual 500.

18 April 2006

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.4 Crown Land Information Management Centre (Previously 7.4 Provincial Crown Lands Record Centre)

Policy reviewed, renamed, and amended.

11 May 2006

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.8 Real Property Disposal Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

18 April 2006

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.6 Environmental Management Policy

New Policy.

01 Nov 2005

Chapter 1: Introduction

1 Introduction

Policy reviewed and amended.

10 September 2005

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

01 September 2005

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.5 Inventory Control

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 July 2005

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.5 Major Events Hosting/Support Policy

New Policy.

19 January 2005

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.5 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPOP) Requests

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.1 Communications Policy/Protocol

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.2 Internal Printing

Policy reviewed, no change.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.3 External Printing

Policy reviewed, no change.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.4 Advertising Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.5 Creative Credit Policy

Policy reviewed, no change.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.6 Internet Content Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.7 Co-Publishing

Policy reviewed, no change.

21 October 2004

Chapter 6: Communications Services

6.8 Visual Identity Program

Policy reviewed and amended.

19 October 2004

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.1 Acquisition/Lease of Vehicles

Policy reviewed and amended.

18 October 2004

Chapter 7: Other Policy Statements

7.3 Fire Safety

Policy reviewed and amended.

13 October 2004

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.6 Disposal of Cabinet Documents during the Transition of Government

Policy reviewed, no change.

22 September 2004

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.2 Electronic Mail Policy

Policy reviewed, no change.

13 September 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.10 Stationery Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

13 September 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.6 Availability of Surplus Government Assets for Non-Profit Organizations

Policy reviewed and amended.

10 September 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.12 Building Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

26 August 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.7 Acquisitions and Disposals - Crown Property (Capital Assets)

Policy reviewed and amended.

26 August 2004

Chapter 2: Legal Services

2.1 Approval and Acquisition of Private Legal Services

Policy reviewed - no changes.

11 August 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.11 Postal Services

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 July 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.1 Procurement Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 July 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.2 Facilities Procurement Guide

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 July 2004

Chapter 3: Government Services

3.3 Accommodations Rental Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.

27 July 2004

Chapter 1: Introduction

1 Introduction

Policy reviewed and amended.

25 June 2004

Chapter 4: Information and Records Management Services

4.7 Website Privacy Policy

New Policy.

20 May 2003

Chapter 4 Information and Records Management Services

4.1 Records Management Policy

New Policy.

15 Apr 2003

Chapter 3 - Government Services

3.4  Accommodation and Furniture Standards Policy

Policy reviewed and amended.